Letter to Immanuel #52 Activities During School Holidays And A New Year Ahead

Thursday, January 07, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hii Imm!

It is the school holidays when you came back so Mummy is super busy with both of you! Because Mummy tries to get your mind off the Ipad and Tv... especially when Ma-ma loves to play games and you love watching her play. Actually, Mummy doesn't mind you playing, just that you must be engaged in other activities and socially wise, I am afraid you will just go into your own virtual world instead of communicating with others when it comes to social events. I have seen too many teenagers like that, so I don't want you to become another statistic of withdrawn teenagers.

One of the activities that we often engage in during the hols is swimming! You surprised me by being really brave in the water. I think the last time we went to the pool was about a year ago as it is normally really cold. But this time, it is summer and really warm!! The first time we went, Mummy wasn't in my swimming costume and both you and Ko made me scared by prancing around... cos I am so scared you both will fall inside/drink water/choke/ or even drown even though I am watching you all the time. It is the same when you climbed by yourself up a playground when you were around 2 plus. Mummy could not go up with you and was very afraid of you falling. Soon, I must let go too for swimming and just be assured it is ok for you to drink a little bit of water and I will always help you till you can swim by yourself.

We went to the Waterfront playground over the weekend and you and Ko posed a lovely picture together! Since you came back last week, both of you became very close. When I scold you, Ko will be angry with me and say, "My immimm!" and give me an angry look. Hehe...

Mummy has started the blue box montessori activities with you finally. Now you are turning 5 years old this year!

We just received the Christmas present from Godpa and Godma... a new watch!

Both of you enjoying snacks together and dipping fingers into chocolate. Finger licking good!

This was our end of year dinner at Auntie Irene's place. What a feast!!

Well Imm, Mummy's wish for you again in this new year is that you will not whine and cry so easily! I had a hard time coping with you.......... but maybe you could not help it as well. I kinda realised that when we said our prayer intentions... that you wish Jesus will help you not to whine and cry so much, as well as to be a good boy. It is touching to hear that from you, like you are really trying and Mummy feels bad for thinking it is always your fault. Is it character or choice? Yet I know most of the time you are obedient, when I ask you to do something, you would do it happily. When you see Daddy putting cream for gong gong, you said you wanted to help as well. All these little actions make me really proud of you. Mummy will continue journeying with you as I make a giant leap of faith again.. we are going back to Spore while Daddy will be in Chennai, India for two years. I will try my best to be patient and not lose my temper easily as that tends to happen when I am stressed without Daddy around while you and Ko makes a din.:P We will journey in faith and love, my boy. :)