Letter to Ko #97 Games and Preparing for Christmas

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello my dear Ko!!

Sundays are usually spent with you, playing and learning. Mummy feels bad again that I hardly have time with you cos with kor around, it is so hard to spend time together.... on Sundays, when Kor is not around, Mummy tries to spend time reading and playing solo with you! Playing sequence games with you together...

You are quite good at this, arranging series of cards in sequential form.

Noddy funbook with emphasis on letters.

And you badly wanted to decorate the Christmas tree... so I let you put on half of the decorations first. 

And Sunday was spent at Uncle Mun and Auntie Becky's place! Such a Christmasy feel right?

I love this pic.. everyone is smiling so happily!

Playing with your christmas presents from Godma and Godpa... they are stretchable and glow in the dark.... both of you are so crazy abt it! :)

Letter to Immanuel #97 Wonderful Christmas Gathering

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!! 

This was not a very recent pic but it was a project that we did together... Nowadays parents have to be really involved with the children's activities.. which Mummy doesn't mind. In fact, it gives me more ideas to do together with you and somehow, force me to do it if I am lazy. :) I think the other one which I had a headache over, was making lantern using recycled materials.. I like that Mummy is forced to be creative and we can brainstorm together.. everything is possible right? Yes and in this pic, we used a milk carton to make a boat for the "Billy Goat's Gruff" story... you designed it yourself and I could see that you are very proud of it. Mummy hope that you will always take pride in what you do in life, no matter how others see it. Mummy will always support you! :)

Waahhh!! A Christmas Spread! We went for a Christmas gathering at Uncle Mun and Aunt Becky's place... Christmas gatherings are always so fun with them. They always put so much effort to decorate food with a christmas theme... even now with a baby in tow.. Mummy wish that we can do this too though I dunno if I can put so much effort.. it will still be nice to do it as a family together!

Imm, by the way, you love the burgers the most.. took almost 3 of it!

Uncle Kenneth and Uncle Mun's baby Damien! Look at his hair! So cute!! :)

See this pic when you were fussing cos we took the iphone away from you. Whenever there is Uncle Keenan, you will want his phone, sigh....

We had Christmas presents from Auntie Pam and Uncle Mark... and both of you were crazy abt the toys! hehe... at that time though, something came across my mind... I must teach both of you not to open presents immediately after you come back... usually I had to prepare both of you first... I hope both of you can learn delayed gratification, like how Mummy is also doing... ahhaha

Letter to Immanuel #96 Your Taekwando Trial and Your Drawings

Saturday, November 26, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

I guess the most eventful thing that happened to you last week was going for our Taekwando trial at JH Kim.. you have been asking to try Taekwando because you said your friend at Berries went. Mummy showed you some videos on Taekwando and you were still interested in it... so I told you that if we join this, we would have to quit art class and you were ok.. I guess in a way I was trying to tell you that we cannot have everything and that we constantly have to make choices. :) During the solo time, you were so shy at first and as usual wanted Mummy to stick to you. But the instructor was really fun and soon I started shifting further from where you were. I also enjoy the fact that you can shout "hah" loudly when you kick so that you can learn to be tougher? You are always so soft spoken... :) Yet as I am typing this, I realised that you are changing.. just recently, you told me that you do not want to hug and kiss anymore in front of sch as your friends don't do that. Though Mummy is irritated at times that you are still so clingy at 5 yrs old, I also feel a little sad that as you are growing, there is a possibility that we cannot hug and kiss just like you were a small boy but Mummy will always kiss my boy goodnight :)

These days you are soooo into drawing!!!! This is a sample of what you love to draw.. lemme share more in my next post...

Letter to Reiko #96 Bonding Through Reading Fun

Saturday, November 26, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Mummy took a break during last weekend... we didn't really go out. Guess Mummy is feeling really tired after handling both of you for about a month during the weekend when Ma-ma was away in India. I tried making the most of it.. esp visits to the frog farm, cabbing there is so much more economical since there are two of you... :) Or bringing both of you to the defence exhibition. I know how much both of you enjoy each others' company.. whether is just playing, quarreling, painting or watching youtube or commenting together.. :) Anyway Mummy's concern recently: you were still not sure of your phonics... just when I wanted to start you on reading. Well, Mummy do have some expectations.. it is gd to have expectations but it also means I can get angry, esp when I taught you through games, fun, worksheets, pics etc. But I try to overcome it.. I have told myself that if I can teach, I will not send you for class.. thus Mummy is going to put it as my goal to teach you reading. And I realise you can remember "at" "an" sound better than an "a" sound. It is also strange that you are so fantastic in talking but your brain can't connect the phonics.. hee... today, you told me "I am sooo confused!!" randomly out of the blue. We can't help but laugh at you. :D. Anyway Mummy will try to teach you reading and bond together with you, we shall go for extra classes that Mummy can't teach at all, like ballet or music. :) I also don't want to outsource everything and spend less time with you. Anyway you simply love ballet these days.. even though there was a heavy downpour today, I know how much you look forward to it and though cabbing is ex then, I told myself that I HAVE to bring you to ballet... 

Yes there aren't many pics this week but just to share that Mummy made another chiffon cake again recently.... my 3rd attempt... hope next time we can bake together.. though I feel like Kor still likes baking more, I hope you can bake together with me when you are older too! :)

Letter to Immanuel #95 Our Frog Farm Visit Especially for You

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm,

This is you trying to blow the balloon.. when you and Ko are at home... it is random activities to keep you occupied and after blowing, we would be hitting the balloons and you would try to hit it to the ceiling... these are little things that make you very entertained and for mummy too.. it is so heartwarming to see you and Ko enjoying time together. :)

Having fun like painting together too...

Soon, you took over her painting... you sure like to mix colours around ... Mummy thought that it was really nice at one time.. cos it is like the ocean colours..

Tada! Your masterpiece.

We also made a very fun project together which took 2 hours! Whenever I see crafts like that, I would think of you!!! cos you love to put things together.

Painting together... You painted the tree while Ko painted the decorations.

Mummy thought it looks really nice and old school... :) Our first musical box!!!

We also went for an outing to the Jurong frog farm, before that we had to satisfy our stomachs... hehe.. went Long John as we had the coupons.. yay Mummy loves deals like that.. easy and everyone is happy.. once in a while, fast food is ok.. :)

And now our visit! Tentatively approaching inside...

What are those behind??

A nice pic together.. both of you sure looked really happy!

Look at the frogs! Mummy is a bit squeamy cos they are from the same family as lizards.. which are very eeky to me...

But I know you will really like it. :) This visit is more for you.. cos you told me you wanted to go to a crocodile farm.. I couldn't find it online so we came to the frog farm first..

Do you dare to touch them??

Of cos!!!

You had so much fun here!!! trying ot catch the frogs and putting them back to the basket.. your pants were super wet after that...

yes you are perfectly fine with frogs....

After our fun, the lady cooked frog meat for us... apparently frog meat is gd for eczema, and it is also air fried... taste so nice with chilli... you ate quite a lot of it!

Imm, hope you enjoy yourself... Mummy knows how much you love bugs, reptiles, amphibians and what not and your curiosity stirs me to bring you to new places.. I hope you will remember the fun we had... never lose your sense of wonder and keep searching for activities and things to do to remember by. :)

Letter to Reiko #95 Frog Farm Outing and Xmas Art and Craft

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

This is your gek face when you were trying to pump the balloon.. it is so funny seeing you because you will try to use all your strength and might to do it... :)

Having fun with Kor .. Mummy will leave painting things around for you both to paint and Kor took one out randomly, so you also wanted to paint... see ah... at first it is a sun....

Later Kor took over and it became a myriad of oceac colours... hehe

The painting also came with decorative items like cotton balls and sequins.. it is quite cool.. both of you spent a long time on it...

An art project that we did recently! It's from Innisfree... this skincare brand... as long as you purchase one Christmas set, you can get this for $2.. Mummy loves it...

Painting together again... you wanted to paint other colours but Kor doesnt allow.. finally he concedes after you whine and he said can paint red and yellow... haa..

Tada! Our musical box! Mummy is going to try getting the other 2/! Namely reindeer and santa claus..

We also went to an outing to the Jurong Frog Farm... before that, we had a treat at Long John where you and Kor ate 2 hashbrowns each.

Yay! we are there! It is really a place where birds dun lay eggs and dogs dun shit kinda ulu place.. as the chinese saying goes... Mummy realises that there are many farms in that area!!! next time we can really go for our family outing there.

You cried out to Kor to help you but he is too busy in his own world.. you had fun but a little traumatized being alone with many frogs.. so you came out not long after...

Hi Ko, you still had lots of fun even when you are scared.. hehe.. Mummy loves bringing both of you out though tiring.. hope we will have many enriching experiences together as a family... and esp so when Daddy comes back...