Letter to Ko #97 Games and Preparing for Christmas

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello my dear Ko!!

Sundays are usually spent with you, playing and learning. Mummy feels bad again that I hardly have time with you cos with kor around, it is so hard to spend time together.... on Sundays, when Kor is not around, Mummy tries to spend time reading and playing solo with you! Playing sequence games with you together...

You are quite good at this, arranging series of cards in sequential form.

Noddy funbook with emphasis on letters.

And you badly wanted to decorate the Christmas tree... so I let you put on half of the decorations first. 

And Sunday was spent at Uncle Mun and Auntie Becky's place! Such a Christmasy feel right?

I love this pic.. everyone is smiling so happily!

Playing with your christmas presents from Godma and Godpa... they are stretchable and glow in the dark.... both of you are so crazy abt it! :)