Letter to Immanuel #93 A Rainy Beach Day and More Halloween Baking

Friday, November 04, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello Imm!!

This week, Mummy decided that it is time for some outdoor fun with both you and Ko. It seems to be raining more these days, and though the weather forecast says it might rain, we still decided to go to East Coast Park... too bad that they playground was under reno and you could only climb a small section of it... but nonetheless we still enjoyed playing at the beach later on...

We spotted some mimosas on the way there! Mummy has been wanting to show you cos I always pass by with Ko when we go Berries but yours is an evening class so we couldn't spotted. You always love things like this... you love to see the cause and reaction... time to take out more of Mummy's old encyclopedias.. for me, I would have to revise and read more myself but let's learn together!!

You wanted to see how the see saw works when we transfer the weights to different sides.

Finally! Time for the beach! Mummy sure loves the colour of the blue sky and your happy face.

The dark clouds were gathering and Mummy was a bit anxious cos of the waves and carefully watch you as you scoop some water.

Loving the contrast of colours.

Together with Mummy!

We are still playing to the very last minute.

It started to rain so we sat at the nearby Mac with our snacks... It was so fun! :) Though Mummy would have wanted to spend a longer time there.

The next day, we went for our Halloween baking. You had requested for baking earlier.

Oreo cookies as the spiders! Looks like oreo cookies are very useful eh!

After we had completed them!

We went with Auntie Yantin, which was why we had 4 cakes.. but she refused to have any pics.

Last of all, we did simple baking at home to make our lava brownie!! Look at your happy face!

Mummy really loves to spend time with you because you are just so funny and inquisitive. :)