Letter to Immanuel #97 Wonderful Christmas Gathering

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!! 

This was not a very recent pic but it was a project that we did together... Nowadays parents have to be really involved with the children's activities.. which Mummy doesn't mind. In fact, it gives me more ideas to do together with you and somehow, force me to do it if I am lazy. :) I think the other one which I had a headache over, was making lantern using recycled materials.. I like that Mummy is forced to be creative and we can brainstorm together.. everything is possible right? Yes and in this pic, we used a milk carton to make a boat for the "Billy Goat's Gruff" story... you designed it yourself and I could see that you are very proud of it. Mummy hope that you will always take pride in what you do in life, no matter how others see it. Mummy will always support you! :)

Waahhh!! A Christmas Spread! We went for a Christmas gathering at Uncle Mun and Aunt Becky's place... Christmas gatherings are always so fun with them. They always put so much effort to decorate food with a christmas theme... even now with a baby in tow.. Mummy wish that we can do this too though I dunno if I can put so much effort.. it will still be nice to do it as a family together!

Imm, by the way, you love the burgers the most.. took almost 3 of it!

Uncle Kenneth and Uncle Mun's baby Damien! Look at his hair! So cute!! :)

See this pic when you were fussing cos we took the iphone away from you. Whenever there is Uncle Keenan, you will want his phone, sigh....

We had Christmas presents from Auntie Pam and Uncle Mark... and both of you were crazy abt the toys! hehe... at that time though, something came across my mind... I must teach both of you not to open presents immediately after you come back... usually I had to prepare both of you first... I hope both of you can learn delayed gratification, like how Mummy is also doing... ahhaha