Letter to Reiko #96 Bonding Through Reading Fun

Saturday, November 26, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Mummy took a break during last weekend... we didn't really go out. Guess Mummy is feeling really tired after handling both of you for about a month during the weekend when Ma-ma was away in India. I tried making the most of it.. esp visits to the frog farm, cabbing there is so much more economical since there are two of you... :) Or bringing both of you to the defence exhibition. I know how much both of you enjoy each others' company.. whether is just playing, quarreling, painting or watching youtube or commenting together.. :) Anyway Mummy's concern recently: you were still not sure of your phonics... just when I wanted to start you on reading. Well, Mummy do have some expectations.. it is gd to have expectations but it also means I can get angry, esp when I taught you through games, fun, worksheets, pics etc. But I try to overcome it.. I have told myself that if I can teach, I will not send you for class.. thus Mummy is going to put it as my goal to teach you reading. And I realise you can remember "at" "an" sound better than an "a" sound. It is also strange that you are so fantastic in talking but your brain can't connect the phonics.. hee... today, you told me "I am sooo confused!!" randomly out of the blue. We can't help but laugh at you. :D. Anyway Mummy will try to teach you reading and bond together with you, we shall go for extra classes that Mummy can't teach at all, like ballet or music. :) I also don't want to outsource everything and spend less time with you. Anyway you simply love ballet these days.. even though there was a heavy downpour today, I know how much you look forward to it and though cabbing is ex then, I told myself that I HAVE to bring you to ballet... 

Yes there aren't many pics this week but just to share that Mummy made another chiffon cake again recently.... my 3rd attempt... hope next time we can bake together.. though I feel like Kor still likes baking more, I hope you can bake together with me when you are older too! :)