Letter to Reiko #98 Your Loves

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko,

Mummy loves to see your focused look as you do something. These days, it struck me again on your strong character, your ocd-ness and your determination, which is mostly positive. On the negative side, you can be really stubborn and will lose your temper. Yet, upon hugging you, you would melt again, your "anger" will disappear and you will just smile at me. It is also funny how you can have little tempers and say, "naughty mummy!". It made me want to laugh but I have to put on a stern face.

With a lighted Christmas tree this time!

Super loving your ballet class. Teacher commented that you will really put on your best posture, stand up straight and walk on tiptoes. I could see you really try your best each time. :)

And you super super super love cutting these days! You cut really fast and well... I am impressed! :)

Celebrating Wai gong's birthday.....

And a pic with daddy when he was back! This was at Arbite.. we had lunch there after Kor finished his Taekwando.. it was great because that place had toys and aircon!