Letter to Reiko #99 Family and Friends

Thursday, December 15, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

I hope you remember how much you love eating fruits..... and how hungry you get all the time! Mummy always have to bring apple and eggs for you when we go out.... this is you while waiting for Kor at his Taekwando class... hee... polishing up your apple!

Daddy is back during this time, super happy with Daddy around and Mummy is super relaxed too!! Both of you would just kept playing with Daddy. When we go out, both of you want to hold Daddy's hand... Mummy is glad that both of you are still close to Daddy despite him being overseas. Well, we built a good foundation in the first few years. And Daddy is very hands on when it comes to playing... :)

Daddy is such a nice couch to lean on right? And you are so fun to be squeezed... oh yes you would constantly ask Daddy to tickle you too! :D

Water play at Nex... free and easy

Mummy loves this ridiculous face of yours! See? Eating an apple again! Where was this? Gardens By The Bay where we went to see the Christmas Wonderland....

We met up with your godsister Sophia! So tough to catch a photo together... hehe

As you could tell by the blur photos...

Enjoying the night lights!

We played this game but none of the 9 balls went in.. and there was no consolation prize too.. sad...

Is ok! We had a lovely photo with Daddy!

Ok, you aren't in quite the mood to take pics since it was pretty late at that time..

Washing hands with Kor! A bonding session. :)

Enjoying a mini picnic.. we brought our own food cos both of you are always famished after swimming... just happened that there was a fair and there was an empty table with chairs.. well, God provides! 

A family gathering at Auntie Serene and Uncle TJ's place!

And you sooooo love the tempura!! :)

Have I put this up before? Hmm, but I must put it up again!! :) Ko, hope you will enjoy this Xmas season. Mummy hopes to do more activities to let you have a memorable time... I hope we can enjoy this season together next year with Daddy. Mummy is so blessed to have you and Kor though with mee... really love the times spent together.. and soon, we are going to celebrate Jesus's bday!!! :)