Letter to Immanuel #98 The Potter

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Sharing the pic of the picture I really liked.... your happy face as we made this Santa mug together... you really loved to do this with Mummy... Mummy knows how much you love doing art and doing hands on work, thus this was our Christmas project! Shall share the details below later in the post...

 We celebrated Wai Gong's bday last week... as usual you didn't like cakes like these.. this was a mango cake.... haha... you only love chocolate cakes!

A photo together!

Yep, you still love your swimming very much...

Mummy taught you  multiplication and division. I am happy you are learning your addition, subtraction and money concepts well. Hee, in a way, preparation for Primary 1 is always at the back of my mind.

You wanted these as a reward for the points system we had at home...

Ok, back to our clay making.... it took two days, one to make the structure and we had to let it dry. And we went over to paint it the next day. Was pretty tiring for Mummy cos I had to go over to Ma-ma house each time to bring you. We had to spin the clay on the green thing you see below. It looked professional. :)

Our half finished work.

And you did most of the painting yourself.

Our finished product.. a santa mug!

Mummy does not need you to make the perfect thing but in the process, I always hope to cultivate the values of perseverance and focus in you. I hope you will always enjoy what you are doing boy. :) Mummy hopes to continue doing more of such things together with you! 

Last of all, a pic with daddy at Arbite after your Taekwando... we were searching for a place to eat and it was a hot afternoon. Finally upon seeing other stalls were close.. we came here and your first comment was "soooo relaxing!" Me and Daddy looked at each other and hoped we had not brought up a spoilt brat who will only eat at air con restaurants next time... ehhe...