Letter to Imm #152 Popular Bookfest and Bye to 209

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

We went to Popular Bookfest and you just loved to read these adventure books! You were there for a long time. I guessed we would have to find some space in the house for more lib and popular books now!

We caught the movie "Coco" recently. You were a bit sad and affected.... my sensitive boy. :)

We had these at home but you hardly play it. Things are always more interesting outside. It seems...

And mummy's true intention was to get more assessment books for next year. "P

Both of you are sooo curious abt everything. I guess bookfests like these are for eating and expriencing... haa...

And meeting mascots!

And we say bye to our Blk 209 House. It is sold already to Daddy's friend. Looking forward to the completion of reno for our new house! :)

Letter to Ko #152 Family Times - Bye to 209 House and Movie time

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went to watch "Coco" that day cos it resembled your name! hee.. and also because Mummy heard it was nice la.. not entirely because it was your name.. though the last time when we watched "Koko the great" it was because of that. :P So happy to be out for a family movie.. you didn't like much of the skeletons though and said you did not want to watch halfway during the show. So you sat on my lap facing me but kept turning around to see the screen.. then you complain your neck is painful.. sigh.. kids.. hehe... it's funny yet made mummy a little irritated when you would be blaming others all the time.. hrumph.. we will be working on that ya. :P

Popular Bookfest with the Pokka mascot! It certainly looks so cute and happy that it brightened my day!

You also tried this though it was not exactly your favourite.. hee.. so far you love colouring and dolls only... and swimming!!!

But more of kor's...

A hand massager? haha..

We also went to say goodbye to our old house though you had never come here. We only lived in this house for 2 years when Imm was born. You looked so tired cos we just had our swimming lesson..

Just of  the normal times when we are waiting for our food... :)

Letter to Imm #151 Reading is Sooo Fun!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

We all love reading and I hope that you can make it a habit and make it stay with you for life :) Too bad that adults have so little time to read for leisure and I hope that you can make use of your time to do that during your growing up years .:) Mummy kinda regret that I used this time to laze around more and day dream instead of reading as much as I wanted.. haa..

In this photo, you actually did not want me to take a photo of you. Oops! You definitely have phases for photos.. this recent times you are not so keen anymore..

Mummy is happy that you can read so well and I use this inspiration to teach Ko.. hee..

You received your graduation cert 2 weeks ago... and when asking you to pose, you had to do this.. haa..

Letter to Ko #151 Library Times

Tuesday, December 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

It is coming to the end of the year and things are slowing down. We have been busy with transitions. Daddy and Mummy would always try to bring both of you out. 2 weeks ago, we went to Ang Mo Kio Library. Mummy had no idea that there were full of Chinese books.. a huge selection. Reading is good and Mummy had been trying to get you to read too. But it is a challenge as Mummy is working now. When I taught Kor, I was not. So I had to squeeze in whatever time and build your interest from there.

Something nice you made for me in school.. a facial scrub! It is soooo cool! Mummy finished using it already by the time I posted this.. made of honey and sugar :) You were very pleased with it and kept telling me you made it with teacher. Mummy hopes to listen to more of your innocent banter as much as I can! :)

Letter to Imm #150 Your Graduation Concert

Saturday, December 16, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

It was your graduation concert 2 weeks ago. It was definitely quite an emotional one for me... another milestone!! This time, popo and ma-ma also came along and were right in the first row!

You told me earlier that you were acting as a grandfather.. Mummy was pretty tickled by it. :)

In the beginning, the graduands would have to do a march in...

and then do a small march on the stage... You did really well and looked pretty serious.

Can you spot yourself?

You were REALLY the grandfather!! and in face Daddy and I are so amazed that you spoke in Chinese.. though really soft... and though I have always felt that you were not confident on stage, I felt that you really enjoyed yourself, acting with your friends! the words I remembered you saying was "guai la guai la" to the child..

Your friend Audrey talking... you quite enjoy talking to Audrey... one of your good gal friends. :)

weekend was spent at YCK swimming pool with Daddy's.. yes Daddy's giant turtle float that he had when he was a small boy.. I am amazed he has so much of his children's stuff.. mama is real good at keeping them..

we ate at the Seafood Restaurant to celebrate Wai-gong's birthday too!!! Yumz!!

It is nice to eat together as a family. Hopefully it will continue to be a tradition in time to come.

Mummy is so proud of you whenever I see you. You really enjoyed going to school everyday jus to play with your friends. I hope you will continue to learn and play well in Primary school. I am sure you are going to enjoy it and you are growing to be very sociable. One of Mummy's dreams is to make lotsa nice food for your friends when they come over to our house in future. Mummy has it all planned.

Imm, Mummy hopes you continue growing well and happily!! :)

Letter to Ko #150 EOY concert

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Daddy and Mummy went for your concert last week. It was your first time taking part in Bright Juniors Concert.. yay! :)

Mummy is so proud of you, you acted as a monster really well!! :) And you talked really clearly too.. it was sooo nice.. Mummy is also surprised at how serious you looked.. Mummy looks forward to your concert next year!

Imm acted as an old man and he was not very keen to take phonics before his wrinkles were cleaned off..

My cheerful monster!

Taking a photo with Jamie, your good friend!

Weekends are spent in the water!

We also had a feast at House of Seafood to celebrate Wai gong's birthday.. yum! what a feast!

Happy Birthday to Wai Gong!

Letter to Ko #149 Celebrating Shermaine's Birthday

Saturday, December 09, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This weekend was spent at "Fun and Laughter" at City Square mall to celebrate Imm's friend's birthday! You were so happy to be able to play and you have a classmate there too.. Zhan Peng!

Eating together with him.. so cute :)

Shall update more the following week!

Letter to Imm #149 Celebrating Shermaine's Birthday

Saturday, December 09, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Mummy had been lagging a little for your letters. 2 weeks ago, you celebrated Shermaine's birthday at "Fun And Laughter" at City Square Mall. I guessed this is the last one you will have before you officially graduate from K2... Jarius is one of your best friends from school. This was something very simple.. a tiny tiny thing to ride on but both of you could have so much fun.. :)

Crazy faces of the kids.. Emmanuel Choon looks like the birthday boy instead..haha..

I am soooo happy you have made such good friends in your preprimary years..

 We also caught up with Godma and Godpa.... Eli can really make faces now!!

A pity you had fever and we could not stay out for long..

Daddy and Mummy also went to recharge over at JB.. here are some pics.. we will bring you and Ko again soon!