Letter to Reiko #113 Marina Square Fun

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Mummy always love spending time with you. It is always so fun to talk to you simply because you talk soooo much.... recently popo told me that when Kor said "I like this veg but I don't want to eat", you would argue and say "if you like you must eat, if you don't like means you don't eat." etc. These are some of the things both of you always fight abt gosh... sometimes it is really tiring. :P Anyway this is a pic of you at KFC (onekm) We would eat these days after Heguru and Mummy will bring you to church because there is a children liturgy during Lent. Mummy is happy that I can bring you to learn more about our faith, learn more about Jesus. And recently, you were able to go to another class by yourself while Mummy would be in church. Anyway you love this porridge from KFC and kept asking for it after that.. hehe...

That weekend, we also went to Marina Square as Mummy did some serious shopping at "Growing Fun" as there was a sale. You played at the play kitchen there although we had one at home. Well, different and new things are sure fun.. hehe...

The balloon decor was nice! It is of the underwater world...

The happy girl :)

Letter to Immanuel #113 Smart Kids Asia Colouring Competition

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This last Fri, Mummy brought you to join the colouring competition at SmartKids Asia.... you have always love colouring. But at the same time, Mummy doesn't know how the competition was going to be like. Luckily it was pretty free and easy. We went on a Fri morning so it was not crowded. When you started, you were really full of focus and changed many colours for an object. Mummy was wondering how long it would take you and if you would get tired.

Surprisingly to me, you were really focused. Maybe because I told you that it was a competition and you had to try your best. :) You kept asking me if it was nice and I said "very!" Mummy also told you that it does not matter if you win or lose, as long as you tried your best... :) And that is how I would want you to be in future. Always try your best and never give up! Mummy is also superrrrrr proud of you! I thought you coloured so well for a 5 year old.


We also went around trying the different activities. This allows you to track your concentration and see brain activity. Well, Mummy was not really keen on that actually. I always think as long as you are happy and do lotsa physical activities, you will do great!

Trying out a music activity there!

After that, Mummy brought you to get a transformer toy, kinda a motivation :) It was great spending time with you!

Letter to Reiko #112 Going for Church Children Liturgy and Watching The Ant and The Grasshopper

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

Mummy started bringing you for 11 am mass as they have children liturgy at that time. We were early so we took some photos with Mother Mary... You love posing and is usually happy when we can spend time together....

Blood bank is coming soon! You love cute toys with big round eyes....

Oh yay! Our family photo album is here!! Mummy is happy to gather our memories in the book....

And we also went to watch our show "the ant and the grasshopper". At first, you were really scared because it was dark in the theatre but gradually warmed up. Mummy hope that you can enjoy music and arts... it is definitely more ex than watching movies but I truly enjoy the efforts of people and I hope you will too. :) You told me that you like the grasshopper most because it is green. Sigh, I hope the moral of the story would not be lost on you. hehe... Mummy shared with you the moral of the story and I hope you will remember it. We must be hardworking like the ant and be prepared. Work before play. But we must remember to enjoy and have fun too! :)

Letter to Immanuel #112 A Visit to Central Fire station

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to visit Central Fire Station recently. Mummy knew that there was a show every Sat from 9am to 11am at every fire station but this was one of the biggest... so thought we would just tour this fire station.

We learnt how the medics work.

You also got a chance to go into one of the fire brigades.

And see how the firemen do their job...

They had to use a radar to see where the fire starts. One fireman will hold it and guide the other fireman. They had to walk in a straight line like this.

Mummy thought it was really interesting to see them but you found it boring, hee.. it is ok, Mummy guess you would not be a fireman after all. :) 

Letter to Immanuel #111 Haw Par Villa and Having Delicious Korean Food

Sunday, March 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Yay, you were finally willing to post a pic of you with your art piece. There were many times I asked you to hold your masterpiece but you were unwilling. Nowadays, I would say, "come, let's show Daddy ok??" Sometimes, you would be willing but mostly not still. Mummy have the impression that you are always somewhat shy... hmm.. This is the starfish that you made recently, from paper, and you formed the outside with clay and later on painted and decorated it. Lots of hard work. I hope to inculcate the importance of perseverance and that masterpieces always need lots of time and hard work! Lots of processing to be done. :)

Luckily the rain cleared so we were able to go for our Haw Par Villa trip, thank God for that!

It was so filled with Chinese mythology and folklore.. Mummy really enjoyed the rich feeling of historical air, I hoped you did too...

We went to the different courts of hell and what punishment was meted out to the people who committed the sins of lack of filial piety, dishonesty etc. As usual, you were super interested in it!!

Mummy discovered that very nice Korean food was just opposite, in fact I ate at the other outlet a few days ago! It was called Ju Shin Jung... however, we were early so we went to the mini playground to play first... 

Look at your cheeky face!

Overgrown boy on the swing...

We could finally have our Korean food. Sometimes, it was hard for Mummy to expose both of you to different food cos both of you are choosy and will whine here and there. Mummy just have to give a huge disgruntled sigh at times when I am irritated. However, I take solace that you would try new food these days and enjoyed eating meat with lettuce especially. :) Parenting can be such a tough journey. :P

Like these!

Letter to Reiko #111 Trip to Haw Par Villa and Having Korean Food

Sunday, March 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Over the weekend, we went to Haw Par Villa. Mummy thought of going there so we can learn about Chinese mythology and folklore. Furthermore, it was also free! :) But you were pretty scared when we entered the different levels of hell...

Mummy liked the fact that it was so deep in culture and I hope to immerse both of you in cultural knowledge, hm just to have the basic knowledge! :)

We went together with Auntie Yantin and Popo!!

We went to the different levels of hell... you kept saying you were very scared... oh dear.. hee

Mummy was explaining what was done at the different levels of hell.. maybe to inculcate the importance of values like filial piety and honesty? ;)

Finally out of hell to breathe some fresh air....

Mummy was so happy that Ju Shin Jung was just opposite! Mummy had eaten it earlier in the week actually and Auntie Kangmin had said the Haw Par Villa outlet was nicer. So, just nice for a family outing!!! :) You liked the soup and vegetables but not the small side dishes. Guess you are always eating food that you are used to.. still, it is a wonderful experience to have everyone eating together. Mummy always enjoy times like these...

As we were there earlier, we went to the super mini playground to play first. It was so basic but you and Kor still had lots of fun pretending to talk in Japanese and playing around. Yes, after our trip to Japan, both of you seemed to develop and interest in Japanese. Actually, Mummy was interested too and was keen to pick it up again. I went for the review session but felt that I was unable to catch up, due to time constraints too so maybe will consider letting both of you learn. Languages are always gd, in my opinion. To Mummy, it is always abt the journey and not whether you can be an expert in it.

A happy pic of you!!

Letter to Reiko #110 Baking Strawberry Pops

Monday, March 06, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went for our strawberry pops making session last weekend. We baked together with Auntie Yantin and Kor. Mummy was afraid that I would not be able to help both of you so asked Auntie along. Kor tends to be more clingy to me when I am with both of you but thankfully, you are thoughtful enough and do not whine for attention. :)  That is why Mummy made sure to spend time with you one to one as well. Well... we will be going to attend a play soon! Yipee!

Enjoying playtime by playing with toys that allow you to fix structures, like lego! Lego is something that you have been particularly crazy about these days. Mummy was surprised because you did not seemed to like them... now at 3 plus, you can play with it almost everyday...

Dripping the chocolate on the cake pops. Mummy is so eager to try my own someday!

Tada! They look so pretty right... like a piece of art. :)

After ballet, we would always walk pass this.... after coming back from Disneyland, you would be so eager to sit on these toy machines. Luckily it is 50 cents so Mummy allowed... such simple joy. :)

Mummy also spent time with my pals last week... like celebrating Auntie Melanie's birthday! Beside her is Auntie Kangmin... We had Korean food..

With Auntie Serene!