Letter to Reiko #118 Cherilyn's Bday Party and 2nd Last Lesson at Heguru

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We sure enjoyed ourselves this week at Cherisse Jie Jie's house! You have been bugging me for a long time to go... that day I asked her mummy if she were free and she said that Cherilyn would actually be celebrating her bday with her ballet friends and said we could go over.. You were overjoyed!!

Mummy is always so amazed by Jerrell Mummy's efforts... she would often do different types of cakes to try out and would decorate the house for each of the kid's birthdays. She puts in so much effort and love... truly amazing! :) And this time she had done a fruit cake... a total one made of fruits! So pretty right?

You are so comfortable sitting on the other jie jie's lap... you loved playing with the girls and would just run around with them... Mummy is glad that you are not shy... but I think you prefer playing with older girls than those of your own age! You would often say "so and so doesn't like me" (from your class in Bright Juniors).

Next, we played this freezing game... brrr.. we are supposed to melt the ice to get the eraser inside. It was so fun! Sense of achievement when we managed to get the erasers!

Next week will be your last lesson at Heguru so we took some pictures with your teachers... Teacher Jill and Teacher Jie Hui... you have attended class for abt a year there. Mummy would be enrolling you for music class so thought that you could stop Heguru.. too many classes is making Mummy really busy... but I hope to expose you more so you could have more avenues to express yourself in future. :)

Thank you Teacher Jill. You also kept telling mummy that you love Teacher Jill very very much. Hahha... somehow I think you like her more than your Bright Juniors Teachers.. I remember you always commenting that Teacher Felicia is very fierce.. haha...

Letter to Immanuel #117 Imm and Eli

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to Waterway Point over the weekend.. we had lunch with Auntie Huiwen. Ko was super tired after that and slept in Daddy's arms at this playground area while you would just climb all over and play.

Contented just by sitting there!

Later on, we managed to finally meet Godma, Godpa and your Godbrother!! Haha... it was indeed a bit tough arranging to meet them cos Eli has difficulties falling asleep as he is not well the week before. But once you guys met, you really took care of him. We went to Ko's dance place together and you played with him... by wanting to carry him all the time! It was quite funny looking at both of you.

He looked so happy... what are you telling him? :)

There you go again!

It has been sometime since you all saw each other cos we have all been overseas sometime or another. Mummy is glad that you have grown up and wanting to take care of the younger ones. :) 

Letter to Reiko #117 Simple Swimming Fun

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Not much photos this week cos we just spend a lot of time with Daddy doing simple things like hanging out.. but one of the activities that we definitely would do was to go swimming.. since Imm has his swimming lesson also.. it is fun to just chill and relax in the water...

You have learnt how to blow bubbles out from Daddy and a bit of kicking.. hopefully we can start swimming for you end of the yr!

Letter to Reiko #116 Reagan's Birthday Party and Seletar Aerospace Park

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This is you at Seletar Aerospace Park... it was a pretty hot day but you are always so happy to be at playgrounds so whenever daddy is back, we would try to find a big playground for you and imm to prance around at and to waste your energy.:)

You are always so happy and proud of yourself and would always want us to look at you, "Mummy, Daddy, come and look!" And not to mention your booming voice will definitely catch our attention. One example was when we attended Gd Fri service and it was in the hall. Mummy went to sit in front first while Daddy came with you and Imm much later. I was wondering if you guys could find me but I was thinking that I would definitely hear your voice. True enough, I heard you talking miles away. :) Yes.. there is definitely no volume in your voice at all... ALWAYS loud. :P

Yes yes, some things don't change and that is your love for ketchup. We were at AMK Outdoor mac. This is a ridiculous pic of you wearing the smurf hat and licking Ketchup away.

We can't miss having a family pic together!!! It is soooo rare for now..

Watching youtube and having breakfast. Look at both your intrigued faces. :)

We also went to Uncle Richie's house. Here is Sophie your god sister and Celeste.

See how pro Uncle Richie is in cutting the meat. :) He cooks such delicious food!!

Something we did for Auntie Huiwen. Can see the letters? This is like her nick. We had so much fun pasting the fluffy flowers. You were really happy with it. Mummy love doing such activities with you.

Last but not least, we had a lot of fun at Reagan's bday!!!! Mummy had no time to get superhero costumes... oopsss.....

And we had an amazing Magician show! Auntie Ade always host such wonderful parties. In a way, I am glad that you do not pester Mummy for such cos is not the type. Yet I would love for your friends to come over to our place in future and Mummy promise to prepare nice food for them. Yes that it one of my motivations. :)

Letter to Immanuel #116 Reagan's 5th Birthday and Seletar Aerospace Park

Friday, April 21, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm,

Daddy was back for two weekends and it was super happening for us! Cos we will go out the whole weekend and enjoy ourselves as much as possible.... a perfect weekend!!!  :) One of the places we went to was at Seletar Aerospace Park.... you really loved to climb this, you told Ko that you wanted to climb forever and ever.... hmm... and almost true enough, this was the thing you played with almost the whole time....................................... But Mummy like.. physical activity is always the best!

Snuggling with Daddy on this hammock.

We went to have a meal later and this was what both of you did... enjoying cartoons on youtube.

A family photo together!

This was at Old Airport Road Market. Ko was having her lesson and we went to have chicken rice together. I love the way you smile so happily. :) 

In the evening, we went to the Macdonald at Ang Mo Kio, where there was an indoor playground. Smurf hats were given out and you just wanted to put this on.

And one of the highlights was also Reagan's 5th birthday! It was the superhero theme but Mummy had no time to get the appropriate clothes for you... before that, I asked if you would be ok to dress normally and you said yes. I guess we look pretty odd here but well, we really enjoyed ourselves... Reagan is such a fortunate boy too and we are fortunate to be invited to his party, where you also really enjoyed the magician show...

This was the look on the kids faces. :)

Letter to Immanuel #115 Board Games Fun

Friday, April 14, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

A pic of you on the way to school, eating Mummy's homemade charcoal bun. It sure took a while to make, being much more stickier than other types of bread and I wasn't sure if you would like it also.. since it is black. But I added in nutella.. and you loved it! :)

This was Mummy's finished product. Blackie buns... but I was surprised they have a unique and nice taste, not to mention being healthier too!!!

During last week, Mummy also purposely made time for us to play snake and ladders game... I just wanted to play and have fun with board games... I thought it was good to learn abt rules, taking turns, counting, bonding etc. :) Fixing up the puzzle first!

Letter to Reiko #115 Fun at Playground and Our Reading Journey

Monday, April 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

Last weekend, there was no Heguru class so we went for breakfast with Popo to have our KFC porridge still... it is good to spend family time together. After that, we went to the nearby playground at NEX to play. Anyway you love wearing this dress... although it was a bit small but you insist on wearing it everyday for the last 3 weeks.. hahha... and you made popo buy this necklace for you... you so love little trinklets like these... :)

You and your funny face!

Posing for Mummy

By the way, you are beginning to read pretty well these days and is a lot more motivated. Once you could read, you wanted to read more and more. :)

Letter to Immanuel #114 Electrify Course With Explorer Juniors

Monday, April 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

What was special about that weekend was that  we went to have fun with simple circuits with Explorer Juniors at Busy Tables. I think this was really fun for you... it was a box with diagrams to make your own type of circuits. You learnt how to use a resistor, how to light up bulbs and make sounds from a sound box. Mummy didn't know it was a drop off session but nowadays you are so much more ok with drop offs once you are engaged. You focused and started building your own circuits with minimal help.....

And Mummy also managed to have my own time too at Pies and Coffee...my me-time!!!! Mummy is happy that you had a good time and I brought you for your swimming class after that. It rained and we started the swim at 630 PM instead of 6 PM but coach is so nice to extend the swimming time. It is simple things like these that makes the weekends so much more fulfilling and enjoyable. :)

Letter to Reiko #114 Little Moments

Monday, April 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

OOPS Mummy is a little late in writing the last 2 posts.. things have just gotten busier lately.... Let's capture some pics of you with your favourite food these days: KFC porridge!! hehe...  it has become rather like a routine for us, that we would eat porridge after Heguru and then we would go for 1115am Mass.... there is the children liturgy which you would go by yourself these days. :) Mummy is so proud of you...... and you would then tell me about the story which you have learnt...  like recently you would tell me about the blind man who can see again.

It is just simple things like these that makes Mummy so happy each weekend, seeing your smiles and spending time together.