Letter to Reiko #135 Koko The Great, Daddy's Birthday and National Day Picnic

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

Last week, we went to watch "Koko the Great!". Mummy just had the inspiration to watch it.. hehe.. but this Koko is a big boy... overall, it was quite a stimulated and interactive play where it was all abt the imagination... I think you enjoyed it though Kor is like saying, "is that one fake one?" "how does this one work?" You were more quiet but looked really happy.. so I think you enjoyed it from the look on your face though mummy didn't ask you... hee... the props are sooo fantastic that we had to take some pics of them... this was the chicken and the eggs..

See the clouds?

The giant monster tree behind us..

Nowadays, both you and kor would enjoy yourselves in the pool after swimming.. now you had gone for 2 weeks of lessons!

We had a surprise for Daddy too!! Celebrating Daddy's birthday at Uncle Mun and Auntie Becky's place! It was a cosy gathering.. Mummy love their house cos it is always so warm and homely.. Both of them are great hosts too!

On Daddy's Birthday, Mummy and Daddy went to have dinner at Esplanade and caught the scenic view of Singapore. It was nice and relaxing.. sometimes we need time away to renew our energy to spend time fruitfully with you. :)

On National Day itself, we went to Sports Hub for water play... 

And right after, we dapaoed some Japanese food and had a picnic together with Auntie Qin, Uncle YY and Eli while waiting for the fireworks.. It was really nice as we shared food and eat together.. we forgot to bring mats but thank God the family beside us lent their extra mat to us.. felt sooo nice.. next time we must also bring extra mats to share with others too!

What a beautiful sight as we watched the fireworks with our loved ones! Usually you would be afraid of the loud sounds but this time we were not that near, so it was pretty ok :)

Mummy really enjoyed seeing the fireworks together with you! Fireworks are so beautiful and reminded me of life.. we are like fireworks.. bringing light to everyone around us...

Some homework! while we had fun and play, we must also practise our reading... hehehhe...

Koko, we sure had a good time the first half of August.. Mummy is always happy to put that smile on your face... you really bring the joy to our lives and I am always motivated to have good memories together because you really appreciate and will tell me you want to do "this activity" again etc.. Thank you Ko for just being yourself :)

Letter to Reiko #134 Playlah event, Botanic Gardens and Devon's Party

Monday, August 14, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This was you at Aunt Diana's place.. celebrating Devon's birthday.. you looked so happy with all the blue balloons... definitely not feeling blue! :)

Singing the birthday song together... Happy 1st Birthday Devon!

And we continued playing in the mini play area after that...

Water play for the children.. so fun right?? You can be so serious just pouring the water.. :)

Oh yes! you also started your first swimming lesson.. it was actually raining quite heavily but we prayed in the car and ten minutes into the lesson, we could swim again... God definitely increases the faith of children..

After swimming, we went to the Botanic Gardens for a picnic and some scooting... you wanted Daddy to pull you along...

Yay we could definitely have our first picnic as a family!

Oopsie! An accidental photo of you falling.. it was quite a nice shot.. though you whined after that.. hehe..

We also went to this Playlah event at Expo, in conjunction with National Day.... it was simple and fun, with the Singaporean themes..

We got 10 free coupons and exchanged it for some games.. the queues were pretty long so we waited...

And had dinner at the same time... what a good idea right??

You on the bumper boat.. actually you didn't exactly know how to do it and could not move in the direction you wanted but you managed to turn and paddle it a little... you still enjoyed yourself.. which was important...

We played games like trying to throw the balls into the coloured holes. if you hit 3 of the same colours, you get a big prize.. you managed to hit 2 of the same colours with 5 balls! yay... and got free milo and biscuits as your prize...

Our maze game before we left the place...

Yay.... continuing our fun filled weekends as a family in future posts!

Letter to Immanuel #134 Devon's Birthday, Picnic and Playlah Event

Sunday, August 13, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

A pic of you and your latest art piece! You really love art so in the meantime, we still continued with the classes... and Mummy also love the way Heart Studio does it.... :)

Now, you have come up with your own art piece already... I am so proud of you... cos Daddy and I went to watch a movie and when we came back, you excitedly showed us what you had done... So sweet and patriotic!! I just love your creativity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week, we celebrated Devon's 1st year birthday!!! :) Happy family! You were asking why is the house so big.. hehe.... and there was a play corner for us!

And enjoyed ourselves playing as the hosts were busy entertaining the guests..

We changed time for swimming, now it is on Sunday afternoon.. Ko is learning together with you! It is such a good time for swimming... 3pm! And we dun see any of you having blue lips.. This is what happens when swim class is at 6pm....

You were soo tired after that so you needed a power nap before our picnic at Botanic Gardens..

Yay, we went there with Auntie Meijing and her family.. she is very into picnics too and introduced us to the greedy catfish!!!!! Daddy was saying that he is scared of falling into the water... seeing how they gobbled up the bread.. hehe

Our first family picnic in Singapore!

There was also an event during the weekend... all for National Day.. it was at Expo called "Playlah" - such a Singaporean lingo right?

We were queuing for the bumbo boat ride and it was a good time to eat our dinner too since it took sometime. :)

Playing the pasar malam type of games...

Our last maze game before leaving the place!

Imm, it is such a fruitful weekend and so glad Daddy is back with us again and we can start pocketing our memories together.. :)

Letter to Reiko #133 Daddy is back!

Saturday, August 05, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko,

Daddy is back!!! But we have not managed to take any photos with him yet! We just took the time to rest and enjoy each other's company, talked.. and played with the toys that Daddy brought back.. hehe! You really enjoyed the creative building of the small little triangles.. this is something much more common for you and Imm.. somehow, Mummy is always trying to crack the brain for you, thinking of what you like.. I only know you love soft toys.... and girly things like hairbands and clips... :)

And Origami!!

And Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy is finally back!! We didn't take any pics cos we were busy adjusting and cos Daddy sure had an exhausting week clearing his work.. in this post, I put in some pics of the farewell party he had... in a way, Daddy really could not bear to leave his company SIA but we are also happy that he is back with us right? ("right?" is the word you and Kor would always use now, hehe)

We love Daddy so much........... RIGHT?? :) now no more crying.. unless he goes to ma-ma house.. oh yes, our next transition would be to have our new place beside popo place:)

Letter to Immanuel #133 Preparing for Your Party

Saturday, August 05, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

For this week, one of mummy's goals is to get you to write your own birthday invitation cards! I wrote down the details and your friend's name while you just copied.. you also added in your own details.. like telling me your friend's surname and added it on your own, hehe...

Mummy is glad that you are getting independent :) Soooo proud of you...

Other activities that we did was to play with Ko's new toy... I was shopping on Taobao for presents for your party and I saw this 8 cube Transformers thing online and I also felt that since I bought something for you, I should also get for ko (this is the guilty mum syndrome at times). So since Ko likes pretend play, I got a mini dressing table... and soon both of you are having pretend play session.. hehe...