Letter to Imm #139 POSB run, Gathering with God bro and friends

Monday, September 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

One of the achievements we did this month was having our first run together as a family!! Frankly speaking, mummy and daddy were very skeptical and a little worried that we would have to carry you and Ko somehow... 3.5 km can seem like the longest distance sometimes right? hehe... but I also know that it is through moments like these, when I can get to see your determination and strength!! You would tell me you were perspiring a lot.. because you are a boy who hardly perspires, I was really happy to hear that, hm, perspiring means you are working out, getting fit and that are certainly goals for yourself and our family! Mummy loves for the whole family to be fit.. it means, more strength, more positivity, more energy and more fun!!

2Km! More than halfway through!!

Just as we were abt to finish.. oh dear.. could see how tired you were.... there was one point you told me you didn't want to be carried.. you wanted to try your best.... :) I guess these are the moments we really learnt abt ourselves huh.. anyway Mummy was really happy that we did these together as a family! Whoopeee!! Another one to go this year!!

In the evening, we went to have dinner with Eli and your godparents... something fascinated you so much on the way... Mr Grasshopper! You tried very hard to get it on your foot...

It is so beautiful up close..

Another fun filled weekend.. we went to Kallang Wave before Berries.. since you didn't have any art class... It was great because it was just you and Ko! :)

And in the evening the next day, we also went to Aunt Isa place to have dinner and pass some toys to her and also to catch up. We celebrated Children's Day together with a mango cake! Hee, look at ur tired face! Cos you didn't want to sleep in the afternoon ma..

Oo much better now! haaa.. and guess what, it is also mummy's first time seeing you request for a mango cake after daddy forced you to have it the first time... :)

It was a fun time playing with feng too.. somehow you looked like you are in some crime scene, grabbing on to the top of the police car while the driver tries to fling you off....