Letter to Ko #139 POSB run, Fun with Feng

Monday, September 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

One of the achievements we did this month was going for our first run together!! POSB kids run... you were up bright and early, looking really forward to it!! :)

But hor.. during the walk, you wanted to be carried a couple of times.. hmm.. still looking happy at 2 km!

Enjoying the scenery during the journey too! But why must it be so hot... can't they start the kids run earlier, knowing that it would take a longer time? haa... There were many people who walked into the shopping mall halfway but we persevered!!

Yipee!! it is the journey and not the destination that mattered..

During the evening, we went to East Coast to cycle... went together with Aunt Qin, uncle yy and Eli.. that was when you said you peed and I had to bring u to the toilet to wash.. luckily it was not that bad.. haha..

Many physical activities.. we went for our water play at Kallang Wave the next weekend too... the whole place was ours! :)

And we also had our gathering with friends! Went to Aunt Isa house and she kindly bought us dinner and a cake, to welcome daddy back and also to celebrate yours and Imm's birthdays! And also children's Day!! :)

Let's blow the candles out together!! Whoppee!!