Letter to Imm #140 K2 Graduation Camp

Saturday, September 30, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

The most exciting thing that happened to you last week was going for your K2 Graduation camp! yes! Camp at 6 years old? 2 days and 1 night? Mummy couldn't believe it when I saw the letter. And I was even more surprised when you said you wanted to go... I was telling you that there was no mummy to pat you for 5 mins before you slept.. and you said you still want. Inside, I was really happy because you are definitely growing up... more happy then sad, which I am glad, cos mummy also have some thoughts of not wanting my boy to grow up so fast.. hehe... this was your pic on the day you were all ready to go!

You went on 22nd Sep, Fri morning and we went to fetch you on Sat afternoon. You were all well and looked sweaty as u came down. Mummy saw a video of what you did.. there were team bonding activities and even a campfire!! Amazing.. Mummy experienced it only in secondary school.. hehe..

And you couldn't bear to leave your friend Emmanuel Choon.. your good friend! haha.. there were only 2 boys and 2 girls who went for this camp. You were saying that you slept with Emmanuel on the same bed..

Lovely memories to keep.. hope you both will continue to keep in contact though you are at different schools next year!

Another highlight! Mummy won the tickets to Ninjago and we could go and catch the movie!! whooopeee!!!!!!!!!!!! You were very happy. I remembered you loved it since 3 years old and we were watching it in London. It was lovely memories for me as Mummy only got to know Ninjago beause of you. Mummy had to rush from work to Orchard while Auntie Yantin brought you there, so we could watch the movie at Lido at 7pm.

Some quiet activities.. since you don't sleep these days in the afternoon, you would just play lego and have lots of fun with it. Mummy is amazed at how you loved constructing things.. definitely took after Daddy. :)

A cute monster! You also love making it symmetrical in shape and preferably the same colour.. but in this case it is not.. hehe.. not enough lego pieces of similar colours..