Letter to Immanuel #135 Koko The Great, Daddy's Birthday and National Day Picnic

Monday, September 04, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Last week, we went to watch Koko the Great. I am sure you are so curious about the props because you kept asking, "is this real? How do they make that?" Etc. Mummy is happy that you are always such a curious boy but it means I have to find creative ways to answer your questions too.. hehe...

Looking at the world through an egg...

The chicken coop definitely looks so real.. mummy loves all the handmade props..

On National Day, we went to Sports Hub to play before viewing the fireworks.. :)

A pic with Godma and Godbro, who is busy eating!

Everyone was so happy!! We didn't have a mat so the family beside us lent us.. sooooo nice!!!!! We must bring an extra one to lent others too next time.. I didn't know that Singapore actually has a picnic culture till recently. We mostly had picnics in Cape Town. But I think picnics are great for bonding and we can bring along our food.. restaurants are sooo not cheap!

Godma and Eli against the evening night sky..

Another joyous occasion.. celebrating Daddy's birthday at Uncle Mun's place!

With his favourite Coco Exotic cake.. and fabulous company!

Mummy and Daddy also went out for dinner together..

Pretty skyline behind us :)

Some fun at home! Playing with the torchlights..

And now our weekly entertainment.. swimming!

You will always be helping and holding ko... sometimes after she screams at you to help her.. hehehe... well...