Letter to Ko #137 Fun at Marche and Our Weekly Activities

Friday, September 08, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Yay part 2 of our celebration at Swenson... Looking happy with ma-ma :)

During the weekend, we went to the Rise and Shine Event at Suntec. You are much more interested in lego these days! Gosh but it is sooo crowded.. Mummy hardly goes to events at shopping malls cos it is just so crowded but  since Daddy is around, it is much better!

Later, we managed to find for a kids area in Suntec - marche, where there was amazing rosti and pasta! Look at your happy face! :)

Playing at the area in Marche!

There was climbing ground.. little but sufficient for our dinner time... it is great that we could always find such kiddy places in Singapore too....

Yes! getting ready for our run soon! This is our first run together... whoopeee!!!! Let's work towards being a healthy and fit family together...

And our weekly swimming sessions continue.... :)

Mummy has also started a new habit of using these message dolls to write a message to you.. show you the next time!

It looks like this : you could slip a small piece of paper inside... :) My intention was to write short messages in Chinese so that you and Kor could get into the "chinese" frame of mind.. sure takes a lot of effort for these little steps... hehe... nonetheless Mummy will try my best. It is good enough that you can have much more of the Chinese slang than Kor and I will always encourage you to help him. Imm probably has the lack of Chinese genes like daddy.. hehe...