Letter to Imm #156 Our Longkang Fishing Experience

Sunday, January 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!! 

Recently, we went to have our longkang fishing. You really enjoyed it a lot!! You were pretty quick and managed to catch many fishes. :)

Look at your concentrated look...

And your gleeful look..

It was such a fun experience despite the dreary weather! :)

Letter to Ko #156 Longkang Fishing and Fun times

Sunday, January 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

You really loved colouring and would be colouring everything you see.. hehe... you were sooo pleased with yourself and would ask me if it is nice... :)

We also went to did Longkang fishing at Yishun. Initally, Mummy wanted to do more of prawning but decided that it would take too long. Long kang fishing was nice. But it was such dreary weather during that week that we could not fish long since it is drizzling too.

Both you and Kor were really happy!!

See the fish you have caught! Unfortunately, they have all died when Mummy is writing in this blog. :( Longkang fish don't live long one hor....

Playing puzzles at home. You would always want Mummy to play with you or watch you. Mummy sometimes wish I have more energy to do things with you as much as I want to.... :) Nonetheless, we shall continue building more memories together and Mummy Daddy will try our best k!

Letter to Immanuel #155 Celebrations and Adjusting to School

Friday, January 12, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

The highlight for you this week is seeing you adjusting well in school. You said that you were not happy and sad any longer but just happy. You also "did not think of us the whole day" - meaning Daddy and Me. Haha... I am so happy that my boy is so friendly and it is definitely easy for you to make friends. On days when I go to student care to fetch you, I see you talking to 2 boys, Taylor and Elliot... You also told me about this friend Kingston, who also bring the same pokemon book as you. Others are Aiden and Tyler etc. So many. And you are in purple group with the lowest points because 2 boys in your group keeps talking, lol..

The next highlight was celebrating Popo's birthday! You ate a lot that day. Actually these days!!

And Sonya turned 1 month young!

Oh! we also celebrated Kate's birthday... a nice pic of both of you together! :)

You really enjoyed the magician too. A pity you didn't want to take the group photo as you were fussing - you wanted to open up this gift: a small parachute but daddy said no as he wanted you to bring home to play. Also because everyone was opening and we didn't want to mess up the place. In a way also delayed gratification huh? Daddy always want to "teach" us that, even to Mummy, hahhaha

Enjoying Ko's kiss?

Imm, you were still crying in the mornings but less now. But you would be ok and would enjoy bread/buns and koko crunch with milk. During dinner, you really eat so much now!!!!! Gosh.... and we would be "busy" preparing you for bed as you would be so tired. Hope you can get adjusted in terms of sleep soon. Mummy understands it could be hard to wake up in the morning. when I was in P1, I was in the afternoon session. Let's work hard together Imm, in terms of fun and school. :)

Letter to Reiko #155 Jan celebrations - Popo, Kate and Sonya

Friday, January 12, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We had a few celebrations this week to kick off the year! Yipee!!! One of them is popo's birthday. We went to eat Zi Char together. Yumz!!! Birthdays are always a time for feasting! :)

Another one was Kate's 5th Birthday. Mummy's good friend Auntie Meijing's girl... You were laughing so happily. You really love the magician and said you wanted to come back to the place again. Mummy is thinking if I should get a magician for your 6th birthday party.. hmm..

Playing at the bouncing castle with Kate and Tyler!

Together with the beautiful family and the kiddos!

During the same weekend, we also celebrated Sonya's first month. Uncle Richmond and Auntie Xinhui 3rd girl! it was happy seeing more and more children adding to the Mexican family... :)

Haha, you look so nonchalent in the picture! Some reading and relaxing time before bedtime. Nowadays, Kor will sleep earlier while you will sleep later as you just can't fall asleep earlier.. gosh... haa.. we still try our best to have our family bonding time and short play session if we could. Otherwise, we really treasure our weekends. :)

Ko, looks like you have adjusted well this week. No more crying and screaming for Mummy to bring you to school :) I am so proud of you! I feel happy spending time with you in the evenings - 1 to 1 session after kor has slept, just to make up for the lost time with you in mornings. 

Letter to Reiko #154 Start of 2018

Sunday, January 07, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Let's start the year with a very nice and happy pic of you at Changi! You loved all the Sanrio characters and wanted to take many pics with the characters. Daddy bought My Melody toy and you kept hugging it each time!

This time with Mummy! Hm with the Departure hall in the background, it made me recall the times we constantly had to be here and  go Cpt once every 3 months... This year would be 1 with less holidays as Imm is going to Primary sch and Mummy and Daddy would be studying. Nonetheless, fun can always be inexpensive and most importantly, it is to spend time together as a family. :)

We also celebrated Uncle Kenneth's boy - Joshua's birthday! He is a Jan 1 baby....

What better way to start the year than to have some phsycial activity? Though it is drizzling.. but we craved for some outdoor fun!!

We celebrated Uncle YY's birthday by turning up at his place unexpectedly! Eli looks so happy with the cake!

 You played a little and did some drawing at their place. You are definitely proud of your artwork!

 Times together are soooo precious!

Ko, you are in K1 and turning 5 this year. You are growing up to be so happy yet sensible. Mummy loves your cheerfulness though you do have your moods. I hope you can grow to be sensitive to others just as you are sensitive to Mummy and would ask me things like "are you sad, Mummy", when I am down at times. I wish I can continue to give you big hugs everyday.

This week, it had been difficult for you as Mummy and Daddy are not able to bring you to school. You kept crying for Mummy. You were screaming at the top of your lungs in the morning when I kissed you goodbye. It did get better the next day though. I am sure you can adjust to it and Mummy definitely loves you as much ok? I would definitely kiss you as much as I can before leaving for work in the morning.

Letter to Immanuel #154 First week of 2018 - Primary Steps Started

Saturday, January 06, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Welcome to 2018! This pic shows that you are going to have lots of good food during this year? :) Anyway you are really starting to be a very hungry boy lately.. you would have 3 chocolate bread for breakfast and keep saying that you are very very hungry.. hmm.. but you are still picky when it comes to food.. haa...

Celebrating Uncle Kenneth's boy Joshua's 1st bday! See the little boy in front?? This is also the day when you had the biggest cut on your finger because you went to snatch a scissors. You really scared Mummy. The blood jus kept flowing out when I tried to put a plaster on you. By the time I am writing this, thankfully it was ok already. On the sidenote... it was your middle finger and you would keep pointing your finger towards people in order to show them.. hehe...

We had a good bonding time with Godpa when we turn up unexpectedly at this house to celebrate his birthday!

The happy family!!

Daddy also bought the laptop with games for you and you had a good bonding time with godpa... through what you loved most.. :P

The very next day, we also went to West Coast together! Though it was drizzling a little...

Happy children make happy parents and vice versa!!

We also had a family gathering with Grand Sok sok and family at Changi Airport... It was so nice with the Sanrio characters..

And what did we do on the 1st day of 2018? Relax and did what you kept asking to do.. play with monopoly!

And now we officially start Pri 1! We brought Ko to sch together first as sch starts at 9am for you on that day.

Breakfast with funny faces together!

At the end of the week, Mummy know you were really exhausted. You did not manage to sleep at student care and you had to get up at 6am daily. Mummy too, felt tired. Still, on Thursday, you managed to sleep early and woke up much happier on Fri. Mummy did a sorta reflection for you in th evening. On other ways, I would ask you questions and let you talk about the week.

Seems like you like to eat chinese noodles in sch as you said you ate it twice this week. :)

This is your journal for week 1..

And the drawing at student care, nowadays your drawings have so much plot... it must be after reading the plants and zombies comics... :P

Dear Imm, Mummy is happy that you seemed to be settling well in preschool. I look forward to you telling me about your day each time. I hope you will continue to share with us abt your life's happenings and we will be sure to also include lotsa fun during the weekends since we have less time on weekdays now...