Letter to Immanuel #172 Father and Son Camp

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This was the beginning of the exciting Father and Son camp!! Daddy brought you to Singapore Discovery Centre in the wee hours of the morning. Daddy is great, he love doing these activities to bond together with you. :)

Eating from mess tins! Heard from Daddy that you didn't really liked and ate very little. Same as for breakfast the next day.. you didn't wanna eat the noodles and whined a lot.. hrumph... It is supposed for bonding together and learning about army life from daddy... hehe

There were also good moments, of cos!

Snacking time! I thought Daddy mentioned that he forgot to bring snacks...

I am sure you loved flashing the torchlight at night.

Oh yes, and you loved playing with your friend Julien. You kept asking for Julien after you came back. He is your friend from the studentcare.. Both of you look so happy together!!


This is also the time when both of your teeth dropped. You loved telling Mummy that your tooth was dropping and make me wince cos I cannot stand to see blood. :P

Daddy actually wrote a letter to you but you didn't write, saying that your pen spoilt... daddy was pretty upset. Mummy is supposed to write a letter with you for Daddy and this blog posts serves to remind Mummy again.. hehe...  Anyway Imm, I hope you had a good time. Daddy and Mummy hopes to put lots of memories and love in you so that you can always remember your growing up days were filled with love and lots of fun. Love you, my boy :)