Letter to Immanuel #171 Mother's Day Weekend

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

2 weeks ago, we caught a really huge grasshopper! It gave mummy a huge shock in the wee hours of the morning. I literally jumped out of my skin and you too... cos you were sleepily lying on the sofa when I shouted. Daddy got a tank and caught it from our bedroom. You were so happy and observed it. You also fed it leaves...

we wanted to bring to school on Mon so that your friends could learn about a grasshopper. Unfortunately it died on the Sunday. You were so sad and kept saying "my grasshopper". Daddy told you that the grasshopper was very old already as it was so big.. so it will die. Daddy went with you to Jesus Statue at SJI and both of you placed the grasshopper there.. you were somehow ok knowing that it went to grasshopper heaven. Somehow you can be so empathetic Imm and Mummy loves this soft side of you, knowing that you love and care for creatures..

Happy moments at the playground and blowing huge bubbles!

And also playing with kinetic sand. You played for a much longer time than Ko. Mummy remember you loving to play with sand and water since you were young. :)

We ordered lunch in during Mother's day and everyone just ate together!

The card you wrote to me. :)

Thank you Imm, Mummy loves it!!