Letter to Reiko #172 Ko-mi time - Baking Cream Puffs at Pasta Mania

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

While Imm and daddy went for their father and son camp, I was wondering what I could do together with you for some Ko-mi time - Koko and Mummy time. Decided to do baking together. We made some cream cheese puffs. It was pretty nice. Mummy is actually reluctant to do it at home cos an experience outside with other children is a nice feeling too! We also got to walk around after that together and take LRT for the first time for you. :)

You were really focused in stirring! In fact you really stirred for very long to make it into the texture we wanted.. so proud of you!

hm a melancholic look?

With the big oven!

Mummy loves this pic of you. You looked so happy and proud to have baked all these!

And at home, you baked somemore! Hhehehe...

Yummy! They look so pretty right?

Ko, Mummy loves to do these little things with you. It is so nice to see you getting excited to spend time together. we will definitely do more activities together and have fun together ya. Love you, Ko :)