Letter to Immanuel #169 Dinner with Uncle Adrian, Auntie Joan and Darryl

Friday, May 11, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We invited Auntie Joan, Uncle Adrian and Darryl over for a playdate and dinner! You had been curious about chess and would play on the ipad.. so this time Darryl brought over the chess set. You were shy at first so Daddy played with Darryl. :)

This is how you and Ko would clamour for our isotonic drinks.. we would usually have them before dinner..

Mummy prepared chicken rice! I marinated the day before.. it actually turned out pretty good!

Gatherings are fun! Lets aim to have more fond memories in our house ok?? :)

The children eating together and having a fun time. You and Darryl kept laughing hilariously! And guess what, you were crying badly for the half hour before you slept.. after Darryl went home. Hai.. Mummy remembered that 2 years ago, the same thing happened.. we went to Darryl's house and you didn't want to go back. I had to carry you all the way to the bus stop.. which was not very near... :(

You are just so emotional and sentimental at times.. hehe...