Letter to Immanuel #46 Sweets and Ladders, Sweet Singaporean Friends

Thursday, November 12, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

I realised this week how much you enjoyed board games so much. Mummy printed out some pages of an online magazine for you and there was a board game here, basically that issue was teaching us about the body and how to eat well. So this game was called "sweets and ladders", everytime you eet a lollipop, you would have to go down to the end of it, similar to a snake in the snake and ladder game. You couldn't quite grasp how to reach a number from the die, but keep wanting to go down tho lollipop everytime you went pass it. You made Daddy and Mummy played almost 20 times with you and keep asking, "can you teach me? can you teach me?" This is how our Imm is, so inquisitive, totally hands on, super curious and sometimes plain irritating... hehehe... Mummy is so frank right but we love you to bits!! :D

Another highlight for you last week was meeting Severin Kor!! Both of you would just play non stop together, not shy anymore cos you have seen each other quite a few times! you all just tried pulling the blanket and pretended to sleep. We were at Auntie Irene's house (our singaporean friend in CPT) for Uncle Dennis farewell.

This is you, Severin and Uncle Dennis!!

Some past shots with our Singaporean friends, this was at Auntie Betty's vineyard. We met up with them pretty regularly this month cos of some occasions. It was really nice to know them as they have various experiences in different parts of the world and could share.

Imm and Ko got pretty restless as it was a long lunch....

You learnt how to use the peeler last week!! You were so happy with yourself. Mummy taught you as we made some vegetable fries (sweet potato and carrots).

Shall share regarding some parts of our faith journey for the next letter!!