Letter to Reiko #45 Your Creative Pieces

Wednesday, November 04, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Ko,

Recently, you are just getting a bit out of hand... just see your picture here... a little rebellious and also very funny. Sometimes it is really quite adorable to see you when I am not angry. Not sure if it is because you are unwell but you have not been eating well. You needed to be coerced and bribed before eating the staple like noodles or rice. No matter what Mummy cooks, you will eat most mushrooms, spinach, brocolli and soup. That's all. I realised you like cornflake chicken which is like fried chicken but healthier. You would finish the whole drumstick.

You love art and craft, just like Kor, perhaps like Mummy because I enjoy doing such activities with both of you. Mummy wanted to teach about the body and make pictures out of fingerprints but you ended up painting your own hand. Just like how Kor does... never listen. :P

And you love to just spread your colours. Mummy loves it when you all just use your imagination and make the picture creative and colourful in your own special way.

We celebrated Halloween recently and you coloured a minion almost all by yourself. Mummy helped to make it less messy. You have come such a long way in terms of gripping a marker in colouring... :) Mummy remembered that I cannot see the picture usually after you coloured OVER it. It was like the picture never existed and you just added colour to the paper. We made our Shrinky Dinks after that.

You sure enjoyed posing with Kor. Mummy got your cloaks from Daiso Singapore. Clever right? From last year's experience, I know I cannot find something suitable for both of you in Cape Town. I sure don't like Kor to be dressed up as a vampire though it might be his favourite. And Mummy would just like to be a mummy, all wrapped up in toilet paper.. cheap and good. :P

I don't know where you got this ridiculous idea from... you pasted a sticker, ran over to me and sang happy birthday. Then you ran and took another sticker, stick to your head, came to me and sang again. You always teach Mummy new games.

You eating your dried mango as you scoop letters. Very creepy indeed with your long tongue!

We went to a Bb fair over the weekend and you saw Barney! However, this year, you seemed to have outgrow Bunny and is less enthusiastic.

You love big mascots like these and wanted to hug it. You were also a little afraid cos of the size.

Colouring your bear with Kor!

I wish both of you will always be close, even when you have grown up. Mummy's wish is that you will always be there for each other.

 Kor helping you to put on your shoe. :)