Craft #8 Halloween Minions

Tuesday, November 03, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

When Imm was young, he started liking monsters, Jack O Lanterns and things to do with Halloween. Frankly speaking, both hub and I are not into Halloween;  I find it spooky actually and since we are Christians, we should not be advocating the "dark stuff" as I had read on some blogs. Yet, it can also be our own biased adult judgement that these celebrations are "bad" and impose our own views and marred the innocence of children. For me, it is just a good opportunity for some art and craft session. Actually, I tower upon them like a witch when I see their goodie bags filled with "treats", (which I discard about 90 % of it later on).

My eyes glowed with excitement (like a vampire) actually after chancing upon these spooky minions I saw online. I dug out my Shrinky Dinks from my stash. This is what I used:

1) Oil-based markers from Daiso
2) Shrinky Dinks (2 pieces for $2)
3) Zebra marker to draw out the pictures
4) A template I printed out. I am sure you can get yours by searching Halloween Minions

I drew a vampire one for Imm and one in a pink cloak for Ko. This is simple enough for me to draw. Hurray! I hate it when children test my drawing skills as I am no artist. 

Imm started colouring his.

It feels so good seeing them focus.

At almost 28 months now, Ko can colour within the picture and like to colour on her own. She used to colour the whole page without caring about the picture what was on it.

I helped her to touch up and cut the picture out.

After cutting the pictures out, I put it in the oven which was at 130 degrees. It will shrink up in 30 s. I took them out with a chopstick and used two bases to flatten it before it cools. I had punched two holes in it before putting them in the oven in case they want to use it as a keychain in future. I enjoy shrinky dinks because you can make so many things (accessories, keychains etc) with them. The fun part for the kids is seeing the object shriveling and turning smaller! (I will shine my phone torch for their viewing)

Halloween Costumes for School on that day!!