Daddified Comes Online!

Friday, November 06, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

When Mummified Addy started on this blogging journey, I have always wanted to support her as blogging is a great way to consolidate thoughts, learnings and memories. It is also an awesome way to share with others some of our ups and downs as parents, perhaps helping others in their own journey and even maybe getting some comments and feedback to help ourselves too.

MummifiedLife is a pun on being a mummy. Truly, at parts of the journey as a parent, it is a zombified experience. Mummified (Addy) gets it more, as Daddified (myself) can use work as an ultimate excuse to escape. Mummified sees the kids day in and out and the furthest she can escape is into one of our two toilets to wash her face. It is not a wonder that our water bills are very high. But I take it in my stride.

Mummified's posts have been very awesome. There were many a times I wanted to start but I was just too lazy. We agreed to designate Thursdays as Daddified days to work on the blog. Which I stuttered and spurted, putting up the logo on one day, tweaking the fonts on others. Just today, I mustered my entire strength to write a post.

I don't think my posts will be as awesome as Mummified's but I hope it makes for interesting read sometimes. YOU need a break from the serious stuff Mummified writes sometimes right? Cooking, lessons for kids. Com'on man!

If possible, I will try to provide some interesting perspective of parenthood. No sterilised photos of smiling kids and happy families. Just the cold hard bare naked truths of being a parent. Because once you see the worst, you will find that perhaps, parenthood is not that bad after all.

For example, some parents struggle with their childen's sleep independence. Koko is still very sticky to us at 2yrs old and manages to climb onto our bed at night, despite the great distance from her own Princess bed to our Sealy bed. (Maybe it's the bed and not us). We are usually so zonked that we make do with whatever positions. I often have about 1/10 of the space of the bed if she sleeps with us. Below shows her making Mummified as her foot cushion.

Just recently, I have been getting strict about the length of time Imm takes to eat. I enforced a punishment that if he takes too long to eat, he will spend the same amount of time eating standing in his Naughty corner. And I will use my iPad to time his eating. The first punishment he stood for 38 mins next to the TV. 

I thought I was very smart until he said that he wanted to see the clock timer countdown for his punishment at his next meal. He was so gleeful and asked me to set up the iPad so that he could stand in the corner to see the countdown. His army style look below. This round 15mins only so not so bad. 

Funny things with kids.

Hope to write again next week if I muster enough energy!