Cooking Lesson #3 Vegetable Fries

Thursday, November 05, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

It is always such a rush to prepare our cooking lesson. My helper goes off at 5 pm, thus I would always try to cook finish before she leaves so that I can focus and teach/play with the kids for the 1 hour that I am alone with them (before hb comes back). So far, we have been doing really simple stuff. But the journey of a thousand miles begin with 1 single step. So far this is our third step. I had to have something that compliment our dinner also, something not too heavy. That day, we had bolognese so this was a nice touch of vegetable to our dish. And it is super simple. We just needed:

1) 3 carrots
2) 1 sweet potato
3) Olive oil, salt and pepper, rosemary

One of my main goals for doing this dish is for Imm to use the peeler! Initially I was worried but I always know that he was a rather careful boy. In fact, I had to leave him to peel by himself as I bustle around to keep/take other stuff. He was actually really happy to do this as he ALWAYS want to help me in the kitchen. Sometimes he gave a yell and I startle..... but it was only because a shred of carrot fell on his hand. *rolls eyes* I should have known by now from my OCD boy.

This was a really good finger training and estimation skills combined activity. I would prefer my kids to peeling and cutting anytime then sliding their fingers on the ipad.

Using the pepper again! This time, he had more strength.

I cut up the carrots and sweet potato after. Hm, I still don't know when I will let him use the knife.

Next we bake it in the oven for about 40 minutes. It was so sweet and delicious with a tinge of rosemary. Hub, who is not a vegetable lover walloped it up. Imm had one bite and said he did not like it. (As usual) Hehe.

What he learnt:

1) Carrots and sweet potatoes are healthy (again)
2) Using a peeler! (Bonus to let him try finally)
3) Amount of a tablespoon
4) Arranging the sweet potato and carrot
5) He still doesn't like them (Anyway that is besides the point, the main thing is to keep encouraging our kids to eat vegetables) :)