Letter to Reiko #46 Our Singaporean Friends In Cape Town

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hii Ko!!!

We went to Auntie Irene's house last week, she is one of our Singaporean friends in CPT! There you are with all the children, your favourite "jie jie"s and Kor will play with Severin Kor. It is so nice to see you all having fun together :) We had a gathering for Uncle's Dennis (Daddy's colleague" fare well and also to celebrate Auntie Betty's birthday. :) It was a nice and cosy gathering for all of us!

This is you with Auntie Anita!

Auntie Betty and her birthday cake!!

Everytime we go, there will be loads of feasting!! No wonder Mummy cannot lose weight.. hehehe

I find this so cute... you and this boy of Auntie Shu Wen, a friend we just knew...

Eating very well by yourself and enjoying your food!

A pic when we were in Neethingshof Estate which belonged to Auntie Betty. A picture with our new friend Dayana. Why did you look so grumpy? Because we had a super long lunch and you were tired already.. hehe..

An overdue photo with Mr Wee and Mrs Wee who came to visit. All of them are really nice. But koko is not so happy here again. haha...

This is a pic of both of you when Mummy and Auntie Dap picked you up from school... Everyday we will go around 4 plus to pick you up.

Another of your recent sand art!

You have been coughing so much lately! Hope you will get well soon... the highlight of this week was Uncle Keenan visiting.. will update in my next letter to you! :)