A list of Items to Prepare when Out on Long Trips

Friday, November 27, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

When I forsee long car  trips, I would try to prepare some items to make life easier for us along the way... Of cos these are the additional items to occupy the kids besides the other neccessities :). These are what I prepared on our most recent outing. 

1) Sticker books, level of difficulty suitable for both of them (gotten from taobao)

I would cut out the stickers along the lines and do remember to number the book and the stickers. Eg Imm's sticker book is 6 so I would label each piece of the sticker from his book with the number 6 so it would not get mixed up with Ko's one.

2) This was any random thing I picked as it was about to finish. It will serve its purpose for them to decorate on any rough paper and I can discard it after that.

3) Colouring books and crayons

4) Cds of their songs to play on the car

Some things I learnt that might be good to have:

1) A new type of toy or book (can buy on promo and bring along trips as the kids might have been tired of old toys)
2) Zip Lock bags to store the extra snacks from hotel breakfasts as boxes can be bulky. It would be good to have a foldable box as well.
3) Rough paper for kids to be creative