Crafts #10 5 Minute Valentine's Day Idea

Wednesday, February 03, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Yes, I was just rummaging through my storage of ideas box which is actually found in my phone. I would screenshot certain ideas I see when reading articles related to parenting/craft etc and revisit them when I have the extra time. And it pays off when a great idea comes upon that does not require much time. Why great? It is not as though expensive material was needed or it teaches them a great deal of information, it is just great because it takes 5 minutes to prepare and they took more time, (maybe 6 minutes) to enjoy it? :) That itself is a great achievement. Moreover, the cloud of shortage of time looms above me as I have been spending time packing.... and since my printer broke down after a good almost ten years, it gave me the chance to do more art and craft with the kids instead of printing material out and making them. As the saying goes, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

I came across this idea at It looks so much nicer here. :)

Anyway here was all I needed:

1) coloured paper
2) a tube of clear glue
3) salt
4) food colourings
5) dropper bottles

First, I used glue to draw the hearts and words out. Then I sprinkled salt over the glue and let it dry.

I put water in dropper bottles and added a couple of food colourings; one bottle contained blue colouring and the other contained red colouring. Imm did not need much help and just dropped the water on the words. 

He loved seeing the colour spreading. I could see he really enjoyed it and that gives me ideas that I should do more of this. I wished I had done more hearts for him to "colour". I would always look at their response to stir my creative juices on what to do with them next time.

Ko needed more help to control the water especially in drawing the water up. But she could drip the colours onto the picture outlines rather well.

And that is not all, after that, I prepared cotton balls for them to drip the colours on and to witness colour change. Once in a while, I would do colour change activities with them using dropper bottles as Imm really loved it and it occupies both of them for a long time.

There he goes! Play it in a tray and that is where the mess goes. :)