Letter to Reiko #58 Bye to Cape Town

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

This is a pic of you back in Singapore.... hope you can adjust well here, the last last time when we came back, you developed bad rashes due to the heat. And nowadays I had to on air con for you and Kor everyday so both of you can sleep. It always takes some adjustment but I guess you have always been pretty adaptable in character and seemed to enjoy your first day of school yesterday.

Bye to Endeavour Educare Centre, your school for about a year. This year, you didn't enjoy school as much as last year and seemed to prefer your previous purple class better. But anyway here are some pics of the school which had lots of nice memories. Whenever there are any special occasions, the place will be decorated.. the latest one was Valentine's Day, in which there were many pics of hearts around the place. It is the place where Daddy and Mummy dropped you and Kor daily for a year and Mummy and Dap will pick both of you up at about 4 pm. In the beginning, I was a bit apprehensive cos there were 30 students in one class with 2-3 teachers. I mean, compared to Singapore. It was like a culture shock. Viruses would probably spread more easily as the children are in an enclosed space. But it was pretty ok, though you and Kor developed chicken pox a while back, hehe.

Teacher Michelle and you!

You and Teacher Carrie.

I thought this was so cute... with the twins.. hehe

Ex teachers Carly and Portia. You are quite a hit among the teachers, even the cleaner in school said she will miss you...

On our last day in Cape Town, we went to the arcade to take this picture with Aiden. We will certainly miss our playmate.. hope you all can meet again....

Playing with the moving vehicles in the arcade..

And enjoying our Marcel yoghurt after that...

Mummy made a comfortable place for both of you but alas, we all have not slept well lately... still jet lag??

Playing play doh with Kor last night.

Well Ko, you have always been the more independent one, Mummy doesn't have to worry too much about you. Always stay cheerful and dun be adverse to changes ok? Because Mummy, Daddy and Kor will always be here for you, my little angel.