Letter to Immanuel #57 Battle of Wills

Thursday, February 11, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Climbing on the table top is something new for the past 2 weeks. Actually Mummy loves to see you being active, flexible and mischievous but I do not like you searching for vitamin gummies and asking for them as you can spot them after climbing to the table top. Nor do I like you playing with my rice. Nor do I like you attempting to press buttons on our new coffee machine. :P But anyway this was Daddy cooking our breakfast. It is almost like a sinful brekkie like Macdonald's cos of MSG but Mummy gets tired baking bread and cakes on weekdays that I asked Daddy just to cook SOMETHING. :) And so there you are with Ko watching him cook. You always love cooking. Just make sure to develop these opportunities that I have given you and cook a feast for us next time ok?

Pretend play is always your idea of fun. You would make pancakes with "yellow blueberries" for me. I didn't correct you by saying "why not just yellow berries"? And this is home made playdoh that has the best texture according to Mummy.

We went to Silvermine over the weekend and you love playing with chameleons and dragonflies.

Playing Lalang with Ko! It was a little hot that day and you were complaining. When you were home, you commented that you love the picnic food especially the chicken from Pick and Pay. Hehe.

Anyway, this week was one of your naughty moments. When mummy changed  the channel for Ko to watch, you fussed and screamed cos you wanted to watch "your show". You ran to the kitchen and opened a packet of tidbits which was banned. When we made you stand at the naughty corner, you pee on the floor. It is always a battle of wills when it comes to you. But after a while (no it was almost 1 hr), we make you say "I am sorry" for 25 times and explained to you after you have calmed down. You are always my good boy and we wish we will always be patient enough with you so you will know how much we just want you to be considerate to the needs of Ko ok?