Settling Down Again

Saturday, February 27, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

It has been a really busy week for us (me?)... since we reached back on Sat last week, I had been packing and packing and......... packing for the whole week. That was because my mum's place was renovated while we were away, we installed aircons, which was the best decision made ever... and also had new cupboards. So it was like bringing 8 luggages back from Cape Town to pack and also packing all the bags that were packed away during the renovation.

Luckily, I managed to settle the school when we were in Cape Town despite the poor internet connection. I had to liaise via email and phone alternatively depending on the connection. That was what I had always taken for granted... good internet speed and connection here... and that was one of the many things I had taken for granted. Though I love Cape Town, I felt very blessed to live in Singapore, where it is generally safe and services are efficient. 

On the Mon itself, both of them started school. I went in with Imm for a while and I think it was a culture shock when the teacher started saying "di zi gui" and the kids also talked slightly differently. When he came back, he said he does not want to go to school as he cannot understand the teacher and he did not like the food. It was not something new though as on some days in Cape Town, we had to deal with their "I don't want to go to school" in the morning. I hope they would not turn into adults who feel that "I don't want to go to work" next time. And hope they find something to be passionate about. :) Still, there will be this inertia I guessed. I quickly purchased school uniforms so they could "fit in" and feel at home.

After school, it is important for some activity time. I always believed in physical activity for the kids to have a chance to run around. My mum was really shocked at some point when they slide down in different ways... I would keep telling her it is ok.... Singapore playgrounds are actually much safer than those in Cape Town and the children are rather careful.

Hugging and helping each other.

Another activity we started this week was attending Berries Class. I was rather apprehensive with Imm because parents do not sit in. The lady at the counter said "K1 already should be ok right?" I gave her a faint smile.... knowing how clingy this boy can be. I sat in nearly 1 hour with him before he "allowed" me to go out of the room. Before that, I promised him his favourite rainbow icecream... the longer I stayed, the smaller portion he would get. So I guessed his mind overcame his heart one hour later.

Personally I really liked the class as the teacher was really enthusiastic and emphasized on the words. In Cape Town, I made him write a chinese word everyday and exposed him to the common words by going through with him every alternate day. But it was always an uphill journey as his school does not conduct lessons in Mandarin. My first priority was to have a Chinese and physical activity (like swimming) when I come back, since we could not find a suitable one in Cape Town.

For Ko, I did not go in with her at all as I know she adjusts easily. She participated towards the end according to the teacher while refusing anything else in the beginning.

For me, (while Ko was having her lesson) I also enjoyed an arty play "Between Consciousness" about a father who struggles with his child who has autism and people's ignorance. And the son, oblivious to how others view him, create a fantastical world of his wildest imagination. It really tugged at my heartstrings and the actors really portrayed the world of both father and son really well.

Well, upon coming back, I felt that I had grown stronger and more appreciative of Singapore. Hub will be off to India and we will see if we can join him again later on.