Letter to Reiko #56 Happy Morning Moments

Thursday, February 04, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

You are usually a very happy girl when you wake in the mornings. You also wake easily and would immediately ask for your milk.  This was what a happy picture look like in the morning. Both you and Kor are so easy to be contented. And this week, mummy is reminded of this phrase from one of my favorite poets William Blake,

"To see  a world in a grain of sand
And a Heaven in a Wild flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour"

It reminds me of how you and Kor see the world, full of joy and innocence. It also made me wish time can stop still sometimes and we can capture these special moments forever.

This week is a simple week, we went to Backsberg wine estate over the weekend with Daddy's friend and their baby. Lamb was really awesome there! But oops, Mummy forgot to take pictures as it was a super hot day.. so hot that it burnt my brains.. Haaaa....

Other things we did was to revise our phonics by singing the abc song with their phonic sounds. You would squeal in delight when there were funny looking monsters.. you would go, "that monster is looking at me!!!" and start laughing... that was quite amusing.

Another thing we did was a Valentine's Day Idea which you loved to use the dropper. Everyday is actually a Valentine's Day because you love to kiss us and be kissed.

Water play with Kor after that! The difference was that you will create a mess on your dress.... :P