Letter to Reiko #103 Happy Birthday to Popo

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This month is indeed a happy month! A series of celebrations... we celebrated Popo's birthday last week... at this Thai resaurant near our place.... a simple and small one just about feasting, and of cos Popo like to spend time with both of you.. though she can be up to the neck with both of you at times, esp when Mummy is working. Both of you and Kor like to bully her.. hrumph.. and mummy has to come back to discipline you at times.. 

Just the 3 of us!!

Happy faces!!

Mummy realised I did not take any photo of your first week at school.. so here it is! I also realised that you have grown more chubby lately... hehe... you normally eat well and Mummy don't have to worry much about you... still picky though! Your face looks bigger than Kor in this pic!

Mummy has made it my new year resolution to make sure you can read this year! You are getting good at reading and building "at" "ag" words.

Let us continue to work hard and play hard together this year! :)