Letter to Immanuel #101 Our Christmas Gatherings

Sunday, January 01, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm,

This was Xmas Eve, when we had our Christmas exchange with Auntie Ade and Auntie Isa, an annual thing.. you were happily playing at the exercise station! But during this time, you were super whiny.. probably because the play area was far away from where Mummy was sitting, so you kept saying "I want Mummy". I got really irritated because it had been sometime since I caught up with my friends and I simply couldn't understand at 5 years old, you are still clingy.... but I changed my mind after seeing you at different places... you were really well behaved and could play by yourself ... I just needed to prepare you and you needed to feel secure.. I have to constantly remind myself to be patient and guide you. :) But just know that Mummy hopes you will be secure because I will not leave you alone ok?

Playing with Ko on the rocking chickens!

Nice Christmas atmosphere.. the kind Mummy loves!!

Nature and children just go well together and Mummy must try to bring you all out more.... fewer nature places in Singapore but lets beat the heat and go around! Mummy also wants you to be more active, so it means I have to be more active myself! :P

Mummy could not reach the height.. luckily Uncle ZY is around!

Jun Kang and Jun Feng!

See this Ko throwing tantrum cos she wanted to stand beside Santa.. hehehe... and you were just looking blur... hahaha

"Ask me to pose, I just pose............"

Kissing our Mrs Singapore! Aunt Ade made it to one of the finalists... woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!

You and Reagan!

Something Mummy made recently that you really liked!!! Nutella pods! You are always such a chocolate lover.. Mummy made for the Xmas party at Auntie Mary's house...

We had such a sumptous feast prepared mostly by Auntie Mary and Uncle Gregory and contributed by various family members! But Mummy was annoyed because you only wanted the ham :( Somehow you and Ko don't eat well at these occasions and only want to drink the sweetened drinks.. doesn't help when Daddy is not around also...

Anyway for our Boxing Day, we went to have swim and dinner date at Auntie Meijing's house.. I saw that you really enjoyed yourself so I decided to get a float for you so we can all go swimming together.. in this new year, we must keep fit all together and go more outdoors! :)

Mummy didn't change so Auntie Meijing and Uncle Ethan helped me with both of you. You enjoyed lying on the float!!

Writing and drawing with Kate... :)

Eating well together! Cos everyone was super hungry after the swim.. hehe

Yummy dinner that Auntie Meijing prepared for us... with mushroom soup and vegetables which I didn't take in this pic....

What a blessed Christmas we had! Let's hope Daddy will be with us next year!!! :)