Letter to Reiko #104 Uncle Charles wedding!

Friday, January 20, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko,

I guess the highlight of the weekend was Uncle Charles wedding! Now he is happily married to Auntie Kirsten... looking forward to many gatherings together :) Both you and Kor didn't come for the wedding dinner cos we thought that you would be very bored by it.. hehe.. anyway this place - Peony Jade sure brought back lots of memories because Mummy and Daddy got married here!

Who is this? Sophia Mei mei! Now she can recognise mummy a little.. hehe

Uncle Charles happy face at wedding mass!

What else did mummy do this week? Making brownies! Hee... though one mistake that mummy made was not letting the chocolate chips melt first.. ahha.. but it was still nice and you really like it!

This was 1/2 of the amount of flashcards that Daddy brought back from India... haa.. wow Mummy sure didn't know that I made so many.. now giving to Auntie Isabel to keep till we need it in future if you ever have a didi or mei mei...

Anyway these days, you know what your favourite words are?? Esp when Mummy scolded you, you would say "you never protect me....." You said it many times this week... it was quite funny but also kinda sad the way you said it.... Mummy will always protect you ok? :) When I scold you it is to make you stronger so you can protect others in future... hehee..