Letter to Immanuel #103 Happy Birthday to Popo, 2nd week of Sch

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We sure had happy occasions this week! :) Last week, we celebrated Popo's birthday at a Thai restaurant near our place... both you and Ko were really happy and played with your toys. I guess not being in a restaurant in a mall helps.. not so crowded and we could be at ease. Of cos you made Popo's day too :)

All of us!

Having our cake and eating it at home...

You have a lovely smile when you pose! But you don't like to pose all the time.....

A pic of both of you on the second week of sch! You just ate chocolate bun so your teeth was brown.. haha.. you could eat that almost everyday and since now we have nutella as Mummy made nutella pods.. you were crazy about nutella again like before... gee... mummy is trying to help you to "abstain" as you can eat something everyday when you like it... gosh!!