Letter to Reiko #126 Our National Art Gallery Experience and Making Mummy's Card

Sunday, June 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Waa you were simply coughing so badly that Mummy had to bring you to the doctor. It has been two yrs since we went. Anyway, here you were at the clinic, playing with the toy... still looking happy! Mummy is thankful that you and Kor are generally in good health, and I believe that it was the essential oils and health supplements from Iherb.:) But now the problem was, you are simply not used to taking medication and refused to.. Mummy had no choice but to beat you. :(

Hello to Auntie Huiwen's Baby, Asher! I went to visit him when he was about 1 week old.. we shall see him next time ok? You always tell mummy that you want a didi... haha..

Oh yes! We went to the National Art Gallery and had a whale of a time... this was in the Homogenizing and Transforming World where the balloons will change colour. It looks so magical!

Next was Rock and Spere..

This was the Firewalk: A bridge of Embers... You were pretty fascinated by it..

Next, we went to the Obliteration Room where we could paste our very colourful stickers! :) It looks like such a happy room with all the bright colours.

My happy girl in the happy room!

I think you wanted to go to the toilet...

2 children trapped in the prison cells in Art Gallery..

Appreciating the art pieces....

Our job for last week was to make Mummy's bday card! :)

You pasted and decorated while Imm wrote the words. Thank you my dear ko!!! :)

Letter to Immanuel #126 Fun At National Art Gallery and Making Mummy's Card

Sunday, June 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

 It is the Art Biennale at National Art Gallery so how could we not go and enjoy the fun right? It is really amazing how museums and art galleries seemed so interesting as compared to when Mummy was a child.. Hehe... I am so glad I have you and Ko to keep me company while I become a child again. :) Anyway, here were some of the exciting themes we went to:

First, we went to Homogenizing and Transforming World, where there were balloons which changed colours as we touched them. It simply seemed so magical!

We also went to Rock and Spere which there were these items which we were supposed to try to fit in. Mummy could not really understand it but you had fun trying to make a construction out of the foam blocks. Guess that's what being a child was about... having fun out of every little thing, hehe...

Then we went to the Firewalk: A bridge of Embers which Mummy was totally amused by you! While queuing, you kept asking Mummy what will happen if we fall; can we catch the lights and climb up etc. I was actually quite dismissive and said, "yes yes, you can catch the lights but we would not fall ok? Don't worry". And so when it was our turn to walk on the glass, you started crawling beside us... I was totally taken aback! I did not realised that you were actually so fearful.... I had a good laugh inside actually and told myself that I should tune in to your fears more. After that, I hugged you and said "You were actually very scared right Imm? It is alright if you don't want to try ok?"

Next, we went to the Obliteration Room where we could paste our very colourful stickers! :) It is so amazing how probably hundreds of children can paste as much as they could in this room...

We made our own smiley face...

Hm Mummy forgot what this art piece was called... Something blue? :) Soon, you and Ko were trying to play Hide and Seek in this blue maze...

And who did we meet?? Jarius!!! You were super excited and happy. However, we had to go separate ways soon as he just arrived and was about to see what we had seen earlier. You were sooo upset and started to cry and whine, sigh! It took a while before you were back to normal. It is incidents like these that makes Mummy feel like going home right away and read a book by myself...

SO happy!!!

Drawing our own animal creations before lunch time...

Some quiet drawing time at home! You and Ko just loved to draw and colour....

Oh yes and because Mummy's birthday was coming, I asked you and Ko to decorate a card for me this time! :)

It took a few days as we always had little time... but in the end we did it... you wrote your personalized msg for me while Ko pasted the stickers and decorated after we used the punchers to punch out the pictures... Yes, Mummy is the best! :P

Letter to Immanuel #125 Your First Tooth is Out

Sunday, June 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Your toothless grin, you dropped your first tooth on 27th May and your second one was about 2 weeks later... Hahah.. Mummy sure could not endure seeing the blood... and will ask you to go to popo.. oops!

This was how you bullied Auntie Yantin when we went to Safra Toa Payoh to play... Sometimes Mummy is so tired handling both of you.. hehe... I definitely need to have more multi v for more energy!!

Yay, doing a scratch card pic for me! :)

Nothing much for this weekend as you went to Ma-ma house to play. When I brought you back, I asked you what you did the whole day and you said you played ipad. I asked you if you took a break and you said only when you bathe. SIGH! and You would tell Mummy that you are unable to control yourself... this made mummy super upset. :( I would have to control you more during the week.....

Letter to Reiko #125 Spending Time with You and at The Kids Academy

Sunday, June 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

During the weekend, Mummy was able to spend one to one time with you. I just thought that it had been sometime since I did that.. I think cos normally, you have just been so easy to care for that I might have forgotten to have this special time with you which I felt was important.... so we went out for Berries class and then went to have your KFC porridge at one km.... You were coughing badly that day though.... non stop :( Maybe something hot will make you feel better?

We walked around at one km and you just wanted to sit here.... :)

We also went to the Kids Academy where Mummy booked the pinocchio show... it was interesting as the performers were so good at controlling the different puppets with different ethnic costumes and with this clown too....

At the end of this though, you were super tired already! And just kept coughing... so we quickly went back for a nap! Mummy booked the cab and then suddenly, you said you wanted to go toilet.. gosh.. had to rush to find the toilet and the cab also arrived. The driver called me as he couldn't park in that area and then we had to rush... haaa.... can you please tell Mummy ahead of time when you want to go to the toilet? Hehe... Hope you get better soon... we finally went to the doc on Monday...

Letter to Immanuel #124 Aviva Fundae and New Reward System

Monday, June 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Your tooth finally dropped!!! Hahah... Popo pulled it out for you because Mummy is scared of blood!!! Hehehe..... you were fussing over it.. eating slow and also told me you would lie on your stomach to sleep because you are scared it would fall out during your sleep and you would swallow it.... that's so amusing:) Mummy has just ordered a tooth container from Taobao to keep ALL your teeth!

Over the weekend, we went to Aviva Fundae, you quite enjoyed it despite being hot and was very well behaved throughout :)

Doing the mosaic tile art. You have always loved that!

But it was so hot.. my goodnatured boy was a little upset by the heat too... that we left after about 2 hrs plus...

But I know what you loved the most! The gummy shootout! Every hour, there will be a blast of gummies from the sky and everyone will snatch them as they fly through the air. You took one packet while Mummy snatched about 5! Hehehe.... We will do better with more experience.. hahaa

Our art and craft session was doing gong gong's card! :)

You wrote the words and did the perler beads. Tried to get both of you to do more but well..... hehe.... we will do better with more cards.. Mummy is going to give you more work to do!

A new reward chart system to let you know what I expect you to do. After you finish the tasks, then you will paste below... and I will calculate the points :)

That's all for this week! :) 

Letter to Reiko #124 Aviva Fundae and Your Ugly Tantrums

Monday, June 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

It was such a hot hot day at Aviva Fundae.... gosh we stayed only for 2 hours... mummy wished I could jump into the water play area but I didn't bring our swimsuits. One of the activities which you enjoyed doing was the mosaic art! You chose the tiles and pasted them on this big tile...

Trying out the Nerf gun...

Happily drinking the vitagen in peace, didn't want to do anything else...

Actually the Aviva Fundae looked really fun... there were so many activities... like bouncing castles, trampoline and lots of art and craft activities.... I was telling Daddy that we should come again next year! It was also difficult for Mummy to handle both of you actually.. and you got soooo cranky and whiny and kept wanting ice cream! Not that Mummy didn't want to give you but you were having such a bad cough you know.. it is almost 3 weeks. You kept wanting fruits and drinks which seemed to exacerbate the situation. These days, you have actually been quite difficult.. hmmm... anyway a photo with Popo!

Over the weekend, we made a card for gong gong's bday, it was a bit late though..... but finally Mummy managed to find time to do it together!

Ko, these few days, you were actually hard to manage! You screamed and cried 3 days this week because you didn't have your way. Finally Mummy kept quiet and let you continue screaming by yourself cos I didn't want to have anymore headache. You used to be rather easy to handle.. maybe Mummy has taken that for granted. Trying to understand you also. :) Let's hope it gets better and we will pass this phase soon!! :)