Letter to Reiko #173 Our House Warming and Fun with Eli

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

You loved playing with this dog.. nowadays, daddy often visits his friend who has this dog... it is so friendly and Mummy is amazed that it can walk on 2 feet! heheh..

During this weekend, we had our housewarming.. finally after 3 months!

Mummy and Daddy were so busy and didn't wake much photos..

 But I know you loved playing with the playdoh and insists that I must take a pic of the smiley face.

We spent Sunday with Eli. We went for the RSAF roadshow and both you and Imm wanted to hold his hand..

Playing together...

And splashing together with Mummy! You kept asking Mummy to play with you.... :) And you would constantly think of games to play together..  Mummy loves the creative side of you! I wish that these days will never end somehow and you would never grow up... :)

Letter to Immanuel #173 House Warming and Fun with Godparents

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Daddy and Mummy went to your school to attend a workshop - "the 5 love languages of children". It was a really insightful talk and Mummy also resolved to be patient with you and understand you better. I think your love language is "words of affirmation". One thing that I am really glad is that you are a really empathetic boy.. you are emotionally mature though you can be whiny. Mummy and Daddy hopes we can help you to grow to your fullest potential... :) and for that we have to speak your love language! We really hope to be good parents to you Imm...

And during this weekend, we had our housewarming! You were so excited and kept asking why they take so long to come since 9am in the morning. It starts at 4pm!

However, you were whining a bit cos you didn't want to play with bubbles. But all your friends wanted to!

Eating together with Emmanuel Choon.. your good friend from K2 :)

With other friends! I think this time you were with Zach, watching the phone in the room.. hmm..

The next day, we also spent time with Godma, Godpa and Eli! All of you loved playing together..

And eating together. sharing food. He eats the chicken and you eat the rice. Best complimentary eaters!

we also went for the RSAF roadshow...

Can't bear to leave each other after a long day. Now Eli can talk so much now.. hahaha...

Mummy also played with you all after the swimming lesson.:) It was fun just splashing around.

This is you when you are not in the best of moods...

Letter to Reiko #172 Ko-mi time - Baking Cream Puffs at Pasta Mania

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

While Imm and daddy went for their father and son camp, I was wondering what I could do together with you for some Ko-mi time - Koko and Mummy time. Decided to do baking together. We made some cream cheese puffs. It was pretty nice. Mummy is actually reluctant to do it at home cos an experience outside with other children is a nice feeling too! We also got to walk around after that together and take LRT for the first time for you. :)

You were really focused in stirring! In fact you really stirred for very long to make it into the texture we wanted.. so proud of you!

hm a melancholic look?

With the big oven!

Mummy loves this pic of you. You looked so happy and proud to have baked all these!

And at home, you baked somemore! Hhehehe...

Yummy! They look so pretty right?

Ko, Mummy loves to do these little things with you. It is so nice to see you getting excited to spend time together. we will definitely do more activities together and have fun together ya. Love you, Ko :)

Letter to Immanuel #172 Father and Son Camp

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This was the beginning of the exciting Father and Son camp!! Daddy brought you to Singapore Discovery Centre in the wee hours of the morning. Daddy is great, he love doing these activities to bond together with you. :)

Eating from mess tins! Heard from Daddy that you didn't really liked and ate very little. Same as for breakfast the next day.. you didn't wanna eat the noodles and whined a lot.. hrumph... It is supposed for bonding together and learning about army life from daddy... hehe

There were also good moments, of cos!

Snacking time! I thought Daddy mentioned that he forgot to bring snacks...

I am sure you loved flashing the torchlight at night.

Oh yes, and you loved playing with your friend Julien. You kept asking for Julien after you came back. He is your friend from the studentcare.. Both of you look so happy together!!


This is also the time when both of your teeth dropped. You loved telling Mummy that your tooth was dropping and make me wince cos I cannot stand to see blood. :P

Daddy actually wrote a letter to you but you didn't write, saying that your pen spoilt... daddy was pretty upset. Mummy is supposed to write a letter with you for Daddy and this blog posts serves to remind Mummy again.. hehe...  Anyway Imm, I hope you had a good time. Daddy and Mummy hopes to put lots of memories and love in you so that you can always remember your growing up days were filled with love and lots of fun. Love you, my boy :)

Letter to Immanuel #171 Mother's Day Weekend

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

2 weeks ago, we caught a really huge grasshopper! It gave mummy a huge shock in the wee hours of the morning. I literally jumped out of my skin and you too... cos you were sleepily lying on the sofa when I shouted. Daddy got a tank and caught it from our bedroom. You were so happy and observed it. You also fed it leaves...

we wanted to bring to school on Mon so that your friends could learn about a grasshopper. Unfortunately it died on the Sunday. You were so sad and kept saying "my grasshopper". Daddy told you that the grasshopper was very old already as it was so big.. so it will die. Daddy went with you to Jesus Statue at SJI and both of you placed the grasshopper there.. you were somehow ok knowing that it went to grasshopper heaven. Somehow you can be so empathetic Imm and Mummy loves this soft side of you, knowing that you love and care for creatures..

Happy moments at the playground and blowing huge bubbles!

And also playing with kinetic sand. You played for a much longer time than Ko. Mummy remember you loving to play with sand and water since you were young. :)

We ordered lunch in during Mother's day and everyone just ate together!

The card you wrote to me. :)

Thank you Imm, Mummy loves it!!

Letter to Reiko #171 Mother's Day Weekend

Monday, May 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We had a good Mother's day weekend 2 weeks ago. :) Your school had a mini make up session for mothers and you were helping me to put make up! Thank you Ko for being so sweet. Mummy loves to spend time with you and I know you were happy to be doing small things for me...

I didn't know you liked marie biscuits so much.. you were happily eating them as we had a break after our make up session. Too bad Mummy couldn't join you for the painting session as I had to rush off to do my bouquet of flowers for popo...

Tada! mummy learnt to put flowers together into a bouquet.. though I kinda forget again cos I never practise... still.. it was a good experience. Flowers are sooo pretty!

And this is your handicraft from school for me...

We also ordered food and eat together as a family. :) Nope we didn't go out to eat on Mother's day. We will try to go on other normal weekends..

During that Sat, Daddy was away at class so we spent time doing activities at home. Mummy also brought you and Kor to the playground and we blew giantic bubbles!

I also dug out my kinetic sand to play!

It was a weekend of simple fun at home! Thank you Ko for all your nice little gestures and saying that you love Mummy... :)