Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel, #219 #2 Planning Schedules, Fun at Waka

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm Ko and Ariel!!

Today my colleagues came to visit me - Auntie Nadia and Auntie Yasotha. It was nice to have some company.

To Ariel:

Today, you also started to be more awake. Mummy kept trying to figure out your timing to have a schedule but gave up as I am realising that you are still adjusting and no point doing up a timetable now still.

So far, Mummy love your various expressions :) Mummy has been planning how I want to stimulate you through massages, black red and white pics, tummy time, eye training etc. And also spend quality time. But Mummy must remember to pace with you also.

These couple of days, you have been awake from 8-11am and 8am -11pm. Luckily Daddy will bring you out to sleep sometimes when Mummy cannot take it anymore. Any baby can sleep in Daddy's arms. :)

To Imm and Ko: 

Daddy brought both of you out to play at Waka waka, an indoor playground. Both of you need lots of activity these days... haha.. glad that Daddy can bring you all out too! Before the outing, both of you were excited and packed a turckload of stuff, saying you want to plan a map so can know the layout of the place well for Ko's birthday celebration, oh yes, we are celebrating at Waka on 6th July!

Yay glad we all had fun this weekend!

Letter to Ariel #1 First Letter

Friday, June 14, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ariel!!!

This is Daddy and Mummy's first letter to you... welcome to our family... we have been waiting for you for almost 4 years when Ko was 2 years old. We had always wonder whether we would be able to cope with 3 children but Daddy and Mummy love children a lot. Mummy had been an only child and thus wanted to have a big family. Daddy just loves children and always say "the more the merrier". We (actually mostly Mummy) had also toyed with ideas like IVF and IUI and also went for doctor visits, just to check if everything was ok. The doctor was saying that a 3rd child is like icing on a cake and there is really no need. Mummy was worried cos I am in my mid 30s and chances of having another child will decrease rapidly. But still we continued to pray and wait and one day, Mummy was greeted by an all too familiar sign. It was sometime in Sep that I found out...
I was so shocked that I went to get another kit to test as I was afraid it wasn't real..

And so we began the journey... Maybe I should write it in another post and of my transformation in the months. All in a nutshell, Mummy is really thankful that Pregnancy has been smooth. I was jogging till 35 wks of pregnancy. And I was also jugging work, attachment at Ling Kwang home and my counselling diploma which I finish just in time before you were born. It was all in God's good timing. :) Looking back, I saw God's hand in all of this. You are named Ariel Danielle: Ariel means Lion of God while Danielle means "God is my judge" - it is a female variant of Daniel, who survived the night in the den of lions.. heavy duty names!

Carried by gong gong

Mummy's dagu came to visit and a pic together!

Your ever loving kor who keep insisting on carrying you all the time. :)

Daddy who has been as exhausted as Mummy cos he is running around doing errands for Mummy and you. :)

Home sweet home! We would pray together before bedtime. And spend family time together.

Some of your funny expressions. Your jaundice was pretty high after a couple of days upon discharge. You had to go for phototherapy at KKH. In fact we went  to the polyclinic almost every 2-3 days for the first few weeks.

Carried by Godma!

And Godsister!

And so our journey continues.. there will be lots of other pictures of our adventures... love to see you growing everyday. :) We love you Ariel.

Letter to Immanuel and Reiko #218 Ariel is here! Father Son Camp. Outing with Kate and Tyler

Monday, June 10, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi kiddos,

This May was an eventful month for us.. we spent a public holiday going to blading at Lakeside Gardens... and we had hope that we can have a chance to play at the playgrounds... but it was soooo hot! We did take a walk and both of you bladed around the park. Now you are so good at blading!

Imm is much more confident and is rather fast.. ko, you are picking up very well too and having more confidence!

Both of you looked really cool! :)

And after that family session, which Mummy tried to have as many as possible... here comes the other happening event...... waiting for Ariel's arrival!!! Mummy didn't expect it to be so soon but we were rather prepared for it.. since Ko arrived at 37 wks and 1 day. Sooo Mummy had contractions on 37 wks 1 day but Ariel took almost 9 hrs to be born so she was out in 37 wks 2 days. It was a rather tough labour again... in comparison, Ko was the easiest and Imm was the hardest.... but gd that Daddy was with me this time!

And baby is here!

We named her Ariel Danielle. Ariel means Lion of God while Danielle means "God is my judge" - it is a female variant of Daniel, who survived the night in the den of lions too... when she first came out, Mummy and Daddy thought she looked like Imm but after that, felt that she really looked like Ko as a baby!

Dagu came to visit us the next day and bought us some soup. Mama, gong gong, uncle Justin, Auntie Rina, a couple of Mummy's colleagues also came. Mummy was not keen on visitors because it is just so painful and both Daddy and I were badly deprived of sleep.zzzz Mummy had forgotten how difficult this time can be since Ko is now 6 yrs old. hehe.. and both Daddy and Mummy is older.. 

Daddy's tired face says it all!

Imm has been really eager to hold Ariel.. kissing Ariel in mummy's tummy all the time. Now he gets to kiss the actual baby.

Just before discharge! wee! 

Both of you are such loving siblings to Bb Ariel. Ariel is so blessed to have both of you. Ko will pranced to see baby right after school daily too!

Imm will ask to carry Ariel baby XXXX times a day... gee.. Mummy is so afraid of germs passing to Ariel because it is quite disastrous when babies are sick... Mummy remembered that Ko was sick last time cos Imm had flu. Thus she couldn't well in the night. Mummy was so afraid. Daddy was in London at that time. Daddy was telling Mummy to suck the mucus out from the nose.... Mummy didn't do that because frankly I don't know how to.... and it really sounded gross. But if need be, there is no choice, I will do it.. :)

Ko is also loving too and will feed at times... she will keep sayin baby is ssooooo cute and go "awwww" just like people do in the movies.

The presents that Ariel has gifted both of you when she arrived. One is magnetic poo slime (no it will not attract her poo) and the other is UV hyper reactive slime. It was really fun because there is a UV light that will change the slime from white to purple..

More pics of Ariel!!!

Oh yes and that weekend when Ariel was born, Imm and Daddy went for father and son camp. Mummy and Daddy were in 2 minds actually of whether to go or not because Mummy was sooo tired as I couldn't sleep the night before cos of baby. And Daddy was also worried if everything will be ok. But in the end, we couldn't bear to disappoint Imm and thus we decided that Daddy should still go... And indeed from the photos, look like there was so much fun and memories for Imm...

Imm also get to enjoy with his bestfriend Elliot .:) Imm just loves spending time with his friends!

Love this photo with sunny bright smiles!

Daddy was saying that the sch gave out this icecream before you finished your dinner and Daddy insisted that you had to finish the food first. Seemed like you didn't like the food very much... hehe..

This was the letter that Daddy wrote to you during the camp. When he sent the pic of the letter to Mummy, Mummy cried, probably cos I was also feeling very emotional then. I am glad that we always try our best to make our boy happy... :)

Imm's letter to Daddy!

Mummy was also very thankful that Auntie Meijing brought Ko out to scoot and play. Ko even stayed over that her place. It was probably the best gesture that anyone can do, cos Mummy was really too busy to take care of Ko and Ko will be bored at home. So Mummy was really grateful! Mummy wanted Ko to enjoy herself too :) When Ko came back, you were so full of interesting stories, esp sleeping with Kate and Tyler in the tent together :)

And here we are, at a new chapter of our lives cos of Ariel. We will continue to build happy memories as a family. Mummy has also decided to write letters to both of you and personalised ones once a month to capture your growth. With 3 kids, there is really a lot more to do and a lot less time. But Mummy will continue trying my best to encapsulate these memories for you as both of you grow.. as memories make us... :)

Letter to Immanuel #217 Celebrating Mother's Day and Old Sch Delights with Eli

Wednesday, June 05, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Celebrating Mother's Day together! Daddy signed up for a session and you enjoyed the coding and robotics very much. You could use the robotics technique to make something for Mummy. You enjoyed things like this very much, esp those that involved using the app.. and controlling the figures through coding...

And you also met your childhood friend Karlson! Mummy used to bring you to his house for playdate.. so far, we have met each other quite a few times...

In the evening, we went to Old School delights again. We enjoyed the nice local food and we could have some quality time together playing games.

You love to play these games with Daddy especially.:) Mummy must try to learn more games like chess so can play with you!

A photo with everyone together!