Letter to Ko #140 Perseverance In Life

Saturday, September 30, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Not much pics of you this week I realised.. Hm I will catch up more the next week! It was also because Daddy and Mummy attended Daddy's friend, Auntie Joanna's wedding.. thus we did not spend as much time together.  This week was really just about wedding, going for berries, art class and swimming. Here you are doing your colouring as Imm was having his art class. You really loved colouring but you also needed mummy to colour together with you. :)

You would ask mummy why I had no white patches and I would tell you "keep practising and you will get there". This was what I really want to "impart" to you.. that practise always makes perfect! Which was why we try to play music daily to train our minds and fingers. These few days, you would lose your temper when Mummy tries to teach you music... and we would both be frustrated. I hope we can continue to persevere and just build on our consistency. It is important as it takes 10000 hours to build a new skill.. :) Mummy also uses it as a chance to bond together and learn together with you. You know, Mummy has always wanted to learn music but never had the chance, thus I hope both you and Kor can learn so you can use this skill to serve others. However, I must also keep in mind not to put my hopes on you and let you do what you desire. But since you are still young, I hope I can use this chance to teach you in persevering as it is definitely very important in life. :) Once we try, we can use it in different areas of life. We will definitely jiayou together and just remember that Mummy loves doing all these activities with you, colouring, learning together ok? :)

Letter to Imm #140 K2 Graduation Camp

Saturday, September 30, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

The most exciting thing that happened to you last week was going for your K2 Graduation camp! yes! Camp at 6 years old? 2 days and 1 night? Mummy couldn't believe it when I saw the letter. And I was even more surprised when you said you wanted to go... I was telling you that there was no mummy to pat you for 5 mins before you slept.. and you said you still want. Inside, I was really happy because you are definitely growing up... more happy then sad, which I am glad, cos mummy also have some thoughts of not wanting my boy to grow up so fast.. hehe... this was your pic on the day you were all ready to go!

You went on 22nd Sep, Fri morning and we went to fetch you on Sat afternoon. You were all well and looked sweaty as u came down. Mummy saw a video of what you did.. there were team bonding activities and even a campfire!! Amazing.. Mummy experienced it only in secondary school.. hehe..

And you couldn't bear to leave your friend Emmanuel Choon.. your good friend! haha.. there were only 2 boys and 2 girls who went for this camp. You were saying that you slept with Emmanuel on the same bed..

Lovely memories to keep.. hope you both will continue to keep in contact though you are at different schools next year!

Another highlight! Mummy won the tickets to Ninjago and we could go and catch the movie!! whooopeee!!!!!!!!!!!! You were very happy. I remembered you loved it since 3 years old and we were watching it in London. It was lovely memories for me as Mummy only got to know Ninjago beause of you. Mummy had to rush from work to Orchard while Auntie Yantin brought you there, so we could watch the movie at Lido at 7pm.

Some quiet activities.. since you don't sleep these days in the afternoon, you would just play lego and have lots of fun with it. Mummy is amazed at how you loved constructing things.. definitely took after Daddy. :)

A cute monster! You also love making it symmetrical in shape and preferably the same colour.. but in this case it is not.. hehe.. not enough lego pieces of similar colours..

Letter to Ko #139 POSB run, Fun with Feng

Monday, September 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

One of the achievements we did this month was going for our first run together!! POSB kids run... you were up bright and early, looking really forward to it!! :)

But hor.. during the walk, you wanted to be carried a couple of times.. hmm.. still looking happy at 2 km!

Enjoying the scenery during the journey too! But why must it be so hot... can't they start the kids run earlier, knowing that it would take a longer time? haa... There were many people who walked into the shopping mall halfway but we persevered!!

Yipee!! it is the journey and not the destination that mattered..

During the evening, we went to East Coast to cycle... went together with Aunt Qin, uncle yy and Eli.. that was when you said you peed and I had to bring u to the toilet to wash.. luckily it was not that bad.. haha..

Many physical activities.. we went for our water play at Kallang Wave the next weekend too... the whole place was ours! :)

And we also had our gathering with friends! Went to Aunt Isa house and she kindly bought us dinner and a cake, to welcome daddy back and also to celebrate yours and Imm's birthdays! And also children's Day!! :)

Let's blow the candles out together!! Whoppee!!

Letter to Imm #139 POSB run, Gathering with God bro and friends

Monday, September 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

One of the achievements we did this month was having our first run together as a family!! Frankly speaking, mummy and daddy were very skeptical and a little worried that we would have to carry you and Ko somehow... 3.5 km can seem like the longest distance sometimes right? hehe... but I also know that it is through moments like these, when I can get to see your determination and strength!! You would tell me you were perspiring a lot.. because you are a boy who hardly perspires, I was really happy to hear that, hm, perspiring means you are working out, getting fit and that are certainly goals for yourself and our family! Mummy loves for the whole family to be fit.. it means, more strength, more positivity, more energy and more fun!!

2Km! More than halfway through!!

Just as we were abt to finish.. oh dear.. could see how tired you were.... there was one point you told me you didn't want to be carried.. you wanted to try your best.... :) I guess these are the moments we really learnt abt ourselves huh.. anyway Mummy was really happy that we did these together as a family! Whoopeee!! Another one to go this year!!

In the evening, we went to have dinner with Eli and your godparents... something fascinated you so much on the way... Mr Grasshopper! You tried very hard to get it on your foot...

It is so beautiful up close..

Another fun filled weekend.. we went to Kallang Wave before Berries.. since you didn't have any art class... It was great because it was just you and Ko! :)

And in the evening the next day, we also went to Aunt Isa place to have dinner and pass some toys to her and also to catch up. We celebrated Children's Day together with a mango cake! Hee, look at ur tired face! Cos you didn't want to sleep in the afternoon ma..

Oo much better now! haaa.. and guess what, it is also mummy's first time seeing you request for a mango cake after daddy forced you to have it the first time... :)

It was a fun time playing with feng too.. somehow you looked like you are in some crime scene, grabbing on to the top of the police car while the driver tries to fling you off....

Letter to Ko #138 Fun at Picnic and West Coast

Saturday, September 16, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

The highlights recently was that we went for our Families for Life picnic. You met your friend Jaime and really enjoyed playing together. Company of family and friends, what more could we ask for right?:)

A pic with popo when we first arrive at the park! Nowadays, there are many of such events in Singapore to promote family bonding...

A funny face with an apple

You were jumping along in the bouncing castle and realised your friend was beside you!

2 adorable girls!

We also met up with Auntie Meijing and Uncle Ethan and  all the kids had a race down the steps! It was so simple yet fun .:)

When the sun went down, we had our big floating screen and we watched "sing" together.

Other outdoor fun we had: at the West Coast. Mummy realised it was such an amazing park with many playgrounds!

Are u practising your kungfu, ko?

Sand and more sand.... I like! :)

Here is also a nice cheery pic of both of us when we went for ribs with daddy and Ma-ma, uncle Justin to buy a new lap top for Mummy! I am currently typing on it now.. hehe.

Mummy loves cheery face koko!

Letter to Imm #138 Families For Life Picnic and Fun at West Coast

Friday, September 15, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Last week, you had your first swimming test! As usual, you were quite clingy as you did not know the people around you. haha... we reached there early at AMK swimming complex.. I didn't even know that AMK has a mini one inside the hdb blocks.. you played a bit at the mini pool first before going to the deep pool.

It was a mini basic saver test. Had to swim a short distance of breaststroke, back stroke and also learnt to float with the life vest. Good job imm! :)

We also had some outdoor time when we went for our Families for Life Picnic. Yay, this was mummy's first time having a big outdoor movie in the middle of the park too! We watched "sing" together. It was a very nice movie but too bad we did not finish it as it ended late, like at 930pm. This big inflatable movie screen would sometimes go out of air and deflate... hee... it was really a nice experience watching under the skyline. We should do it again soon!

This was Auntie Meijing's idea of fun.. having the kids race down the steps. I am amazed at how she thinks of these simple creative ideas for you to expand your energy.

And we also had our share of eating ribs together.. of cos you didn't eat much again...

At least we had our share of family fun.

Mummy also let you write a card to teacher.. I gave you a few key words like "love" and "thank you" while you came up with your words. :)

Outdoor time at West coast!

Did you spot yourself? You actually climbed right up and also slide down... I think you really enjoyed this obstacle course. Enough challenging for you and something you can conquer.

You also finished building the ninjago lego... I think it was amazing you woke up at 6am just to finish it up.. Mummy was so shocked to see you when I came home from jogging at 5 plus.. hehe..