Letter to Ko #148 Adaptability and Celebrating Wai Gong's Birthday

Saturday, November 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

These are some of the ways we have our lunch after Berries lesson. Both you can Kor can adapt well. When we have no tables and chairs at the usual place because of our wedding, we can eat anywhere and benches can be our tables. It is good to be adaptable in life as life is unpredictable. Let us always make lemonade when life gives us lemons ok?:) Anyway you love to eat porridge and youtiao....

We celebrated Wai Gong's birthday early with a peach mousse cake that Mummy made.

On other days, we learn - counting in 5s! Mummy tries my best to make it a daily routine to teach you a little everyday.

Now we fill in the missing numbers in the sequence.

And do our music homework. You must be wondering why mummy made you do work everyday on weekdays right? It is all because of the habit of consistency that must be inbuilt from young. :)

We have been busy these weekends shopping for the new house. It is in the process.....

And last of all a nice pic of you and Daddy that we had today! Look at your happy smile! Lots of Xmas decor is up now... Mummy is trying to put up our Christmas tree this week. Hurray!!

Letter to Imm #148 Innocence. Celebrating Wai Gong's Birthday

Saturday, November 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This was the pict of you today, reaching out and wanting to feel the rain despite being a little wet. The reaching out just to touch the coolness of water, feeling the droplets.. always makes me smile a the innocence of childhood. :) We had just settled buying our kitchen basin, tap, hob and oven... when it started to pour.. we waited for Daddy to come by in the car..

Look at our kitchen.. all hacked up now. Let's see the finished pic in a few weeks time!

We also celebrated Wai gong's birthday. It is simple and mummy made it at my ABC baking studio class today. Peach mousse cake.. it is so light and yummy!! We celebrated earlier and will try to have a nice dinner together sometime next week!

A pict with wai gong..

Mummy when I had just finished making it. I like the process. I wonder if you will love baking too. Cos I know you do like to do it with me when we were in Cape Town. It is just a little tough these days cos we are always fighting for time. I promise I want to try to bake again with you when our new place is ready.

Letting you practise some problem sums with maths. Now you are just busy shading. Haha... you are always doing your own fun stuff. By the way, I went to the Parent Meeting Session today and Teacher Narissa said you are very creative and cute. You could create sentences, you love science, could do mental maths. The only thing is you can be shy at times. And you are easily distracted and playful. Hmm.. Mummy knows all these. You behave well when I am at home but bully Popo... which was why I am angry with you at times. Yet overall I know you listen and are a good natured boy. We will constantly try our best to nurture you. :)

Today, Mummy also found out you love crab.You kept asking for it. You also ate a lot of rice and porridge with the gravy, guess you are getting to be more of a hungry boy these days. Daddy met up with his friends from India so we had a pretty awesome meal. We were also playing with Auntie Anabelle's baby! Once again, you became the caring brother and enjoyed playing with her...

Letter to Imm #147 All Kinds Of Play

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

There is just so much fun and play these days... we signed up for a Safra promotion in which we could have unlimited play for the 3 safras at $80 ... it lasts till March.. so it is a really good time to alternate our visits at 3 safras... :) At Punggol Safra, there is the water play!

The next day, we went shopping at IMM with Popo... waiting for our brekkie at Swenson!

I just had to put this ridiculous picture up. :P

We went to IMM for the second week and also brought popo to see the furniture that we liked... we have been furniture browsing so much!

You and your funny faces...

Enjoying lunch after shopping... happy to see both of you happily tucking in.. other than that, both of you would be talking and quarreling...

We then went for our afternoon swim... YCK has lots of lovely floats that day!

Another one! The variety of floats definitely made it so much more fun.. and that is always what we wanted!

Before sleeping is also a time for play... you love snake and ladders these days again after you made this game at Berries... you would play by yourself... after that you dug out this game to play with Ko again... hee...

Playing is such an integral part of our lives... we must continue to do so! :)

Letter to Ko #146 Changes Are Constant

Friday, November 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This is one of the precious rare moments.. hehe.. I think there is a love hate relationship with siblings.. well Mummy does not know that since I did not have any. And daddy would always be telling me, "it is normal". I love it when both of you are like that.. there is peace in the house - and peace in the world. Everything comes to a stand still and I wish time would stop for that moment.

Ko, next year Imm will not be going to school with you. Mummy has always prepared you for that. But our fun times will always continue as a family. Things are constantly changing but our family's love will always be constant. I know you will be ok though I am worried you might feel otherwise when Mummy is not able to bring you to school.

Things to look forward to will be fun times. Last week we went to Safra in Jurong! It is such an awesome place and Mummy promises to take more pics in future of that place.

Letter to Imm #146 Time shared. And Safra in Jurong.

Friday, November 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

One of the lovely sibling moments while Mummy lazes away in the background. How apt of Daddy to take this picture. Anyway nowadays, I would ask you to draw for Ko while she colours for her music homework, hehe... You are also always constantly obliging to on the light, run little errands to bring things and is always helpful. :) Thank you Imm. That day, our helper, Auntie Yantin said she would help me hold stuff so I could hold your hand and Ko's. you told me "that was kind of Auntie Yantin right?" I said yes and just felt you were so cute and innocent in that moment.

Daddy took this as we felt that come next year, you would not be going to school with Ko already...

Yea, and recently we hunted down Safra in Jurong! We love the enormous place that we could climb in!!

Daddy having fun too! No doubt we will all come again soon! It was a really long slide but Mummy forgot to take a pic of it!

And that day after the playtime at Safra, we went swimming after that!

Letter to Imm #145 Primary One Orientation

Friday, November 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This was your last piece of art work at Heart Studio. Mummy and Daddy decided to stop as we wanted to try out other things. Sometimes it is also abt the financial costs... I think one of the best things we invested in was an art education. Besides Chn, mummy felt that you were doing well in the other academics, thus I focused on art, music, swimming.... you really loved art and Kudos to the teachers at Heart Studio. We shall look out for their holiday programmes too! It had definitely made you more creative, more persevering and focused... which was what Mummy wanted.

You decorated a card for Ma-ma yourself! :)

And a most important event - Primary 1 Orientation!!

Our first stop was at the art room.

The question was "how are you feeling today?" I think the picture says it all right? :)

We looked at Science Lab at the science room.

And at the Hydrophonics garden, we brought some spinach home! The person said that it would survive only for a few days but after a week now it is still growing well!

This will be your new class - 1 Joseph.

Meeting some new friends.... you were really shy and kept reaching out for us as we were sitting nearby.

Imm, I guessed it is not only a huge milestone for you but also for Mummy (and Daddy?) hehe.. I guess Mummy is the more emotional type. I would have to constantly tell myself to let go. Maybe cos you were my first born. And I think I would cry buckets at your graduation concert. Gosh. But I am happy.. I think you are matured for a P1 and I have absolute trust you have no problems adjusting though we will always be here for you and we would keep telling you that.

You are able to read well, in fact you have been reading my phone messages; you love maths and comprehend story sums, you loveeee science and told me you want to be a scientist, all we have to do is to focus on Chinese. :P

Suddenly, Mummy remembered you at K1, just when we came back from Cape Town. I was so worried because the school culture is so different and you would talk in an accent to your Caucasian friend Alex. You also told me you did not want to go to school after 2 days. I cried also because I was afraid you would need some time to adjust. Yet 2 years from now, you love school and told me you want to go to school early everyday. Mummy is happy that despite a "shy" nature (cos you always tell me you are shy), you are sociable, friendly and kind. :) I have no doubt you are going to enjoy the Primary School Life. Well, we will continue to overcome this milestone together just like how we have done so many times in these past 6 years.

Letter to Ko #145 Little Moments - Art Class, Safra n Decorating Card

Friday, November 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We had been having loads of fun but mummy is sometimes lazy to take photos... I must remember not to take these moments for granted! Like the pic below... when Imm goes for art class, I would read to you and we would hunt for pictures together.. like in the book above, we were trying to spot t dinosaurs.. or you would also create your own picture and draw. This was one of the last few classes that Imm had... so these moments would not come again.. but we shall find more moments to spend like these! :) I feel it is so important for these one to one times when I could just enjoy being together with you.

Oh and these days, since we signed up for a promotion at Safra, we would be coming to indoor playgrounds more often now! and not only do we play, Daddy and I sometimes nap... hehehe... guess your energy tank is full in such places right??

We also visited Aunt qin and uncle yy's place.. it is soooooo classic.. just like them.... and here you are relaxing on the couch..

Decorating a card together for mama's birthday!!

Dear Ko, you are just so enthusiastic and funny... though you are whiny at times and mummy has to scold you. but most of the time, I enjoyed little conversations with you like you would ask many questions abt how things are. :) keep being so innocent and curious ok? :)

Malaysia Getaway D3: Sanrio Hello Kitty Town

Thursday, November 09, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

By Day 3, I was nearly busted. Mummified slept in as she always does at such holidays whilst Daddified usually does the squirreling around. Daddified simply doesn't want to waste a minute of any holiday.

We packed up early and scooted before 9am so we can rush off for a nice local breakfast before heading back to Puteri Harbour area for another funland day. Not sure about where to eat, we depended on a fellow daddy blogger CheekieMonkies's post on Gelang Patah for recommendations.

Saying farewell to our abode for the 2 nights. Leaving it nicely packed as we first move in. 
We just took about 10mins to get to  Wee Hoi Kopitiam (惠海) at Gelang Patah. Yummy breakfast only costed us RM24! We ordered 2 char siew baos, 2 Lor Mai Gai, 2 sets of eggs+coffee+toast bread. BEAT THAT TOAST BOX!

Imm terribly excited on stuffing his face

The yolks look very kampung, more orange than yellow  
We looped back to Hello Kitty Town at Puteri Harbour 10mins before the place opened. Savvy Daddified took advantage of the summer promotion where a dual park entry cost RM88 instead of RM125 usually. I am puzzled that they priced adults same as children... You might want to check out joint promos with Legoland as they have been jointly promoting together.

Waiting to go in. Kids were super fidgety

One of the 3 indoor playgrounds they had! 3 levels of playgrounds!!!

Hello Kity Town on 2nd floor. We are the only ones at 10am.

Thomas the Train at Level 3. You may suspect that we booked out the whole place to ourselves 

This cushion jigsaw puzzle is really not easy to do. Imm lying on it to give perspective on its hugeness!

They even had an indoor train track

Ferris wheel all to ourselves..

I can't stand this thing going round and round. 

Those dropping rides thing. Kids absolutely love it and the operator let them go on a few times, since we were the only customers then 

More more!

The 3rd story indoor playground is really huge. Wifey almost got lost inside. We challenge anyone to find their way into this train. Almost impossible!

There are cookie decorating sessions (no top up if you were wondering)

Small dance sessions

Arcade area without needing to put any tokens in!! Needless to say, Mummified and Daddified were here for a long time

A Hello Kitty show is a must of course

A photo session u will take ages to get if you were in Japan

Perler beads session even the boys of the family to do. This took sometime but was really fun

Daddified's gift to Mummified! Super fun!

We stayed all the way till the park closed and were the last few to leave. Our lunch spot was just across the building at a DC Comics themed restaurant. That was quite nice too but didn't really take much photos. 

Because of our stuffed lunch, we opted to skip dinner. But we vowed to return soon for a seafood pig-out. Beat The Jam advised that the peak drops off at 630pm at the Tuas Causeway so we did a mandatory stop at Shell to do a petrol top up and grabbing coffee before driving back. We managed to clear and reached back to middle of Singapore by 830pm. The kids had their short nap and the world was happy again.