Letter to Ko #148 Adaptability and Celebrating Wai Gong's Birthday

Saturday, November 25, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

These are some of the ways we have our lunch after Berries lesson. Both you can Kor can adapt well. When we have no tables and chairs at the usual place because of our wedding, we can eat anywhere and benches can be our tables. It is good to be adaptable in life as life is unpredictable. Let us always make lemonade when life gives us lemons ok?:) Anyway you love to eat porridge and youtiao....

We celebrated Wai Gong's birthday early with a peach mousse cake that Mummy made.

On other days, we learn - counting in 5s! Mummy tries my best to make it a daily routine to teach you a little everyday.

Now we fill in the missing numbers in the sequence.

And do our music homework. You must be wondering why mummy made you do work everyday on weekdays right? It is all because of the habit of consistency that must be inbuilt from young. :)

We have been busy these weekends shopping for the new house. It is in the process.....

And last of all a nice pic of you and Daddy that we had today! Look at your happy smile! Lots of Xmas decor is up now... Mummy is trying to put up our Christmas tree this week. Hurray!!