Letter to Ko #145 Little Moments - Art Class, Safra n Decorating Card

Friday, November 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We had been having loads of fun but mummy is sometimes lazy to take photos... I must remember not to take these moments for granted! Like the pic below... when Imm goes for art class, I would read to you and we would hunt for pictures together.. like in the book above, we were trying to spot t dinosaurs.. or you would also create your own picture and draw. This was one of the last few classes that Imm had... so these moments would not come again.. but we shall find more moments to spend like these! :) I feel it is so important for these one to one times when I could just enjoy being together with you.

Oh and these days, since we signed up for a promotion at Safra, we would be coming to indoor playgrounds more often now! and not only do we play, Daddy and I sometimes nap... hehehe... guess your energy tank is full in such places right??

We also visited Aunt qin and uncle yy's place.. it is soooooo classic.. just like them.... and here you are relaxing on the couch..

Decorating a card together for mama's birthday!!

Dear Ko, you are just so enthusiastic and funny... though you are whiny at times and mummy has to scold you. but most of the time, I enjoyed little conversations with you like you would ask many questions abt how things are. :) keep being so innocent and curious ok? :)