Letter to Imm #144 Our JB trip 23rd - 25th Oct

Saturday, November 04, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

You were having such withdrawal symptoms after our trip.... let us reminisce about the fun times we had there... we went to Fanpekka on the first day which was a mega and empty playground on the day when we were there....

Daddy pulling both of you in the sleigh.. see how strong he is!!

We stayed in a lovely Air Bnb that daddy sourced but you were more interested in the pool! You could not wait to go even after a long day at Fanpekka..

The next day, we went to have breakkie first before heading off to our next destination: Having your favourite Pau and Lou Mai Kai!!! we had toast, eggs, coffee too and everything was just $8!

Next, Off we went to Legoland! We decked up in Halloween costumes as there was a promo... both you and Ko need not pay for entry tics.. woohoo!!

 It was very empty as we went off peak.. one of the first rides you went to was this... you drove many rounds around the circuit.. Mummy thought it was so cool that there were real roads to drive on..

Taking other rides with Daddy!

We also spend a long time in this area.. you were really focused as usual when you play with lego and is constantly full of ideas.. for daddy and me, it was to take a break from the heat outside. Haha!

And off we went to Hello Kitty Town! We were the first, hurray!!

Mummy had to play with you in this mega playground in order to take this picture... and it was no joke squirming through the holes and corners..

we managed to find the entrance to the train...

You were so engrossed in this activity... gd physical exercise.. hehe

We also made our own Hello Kitty badges! we coloured the pics and the person made into a badge.. you drew a badge for Ashton, your good friend!!

Perler Bead time! You are an expert in this too. when Ko finished hers, you posed together with her as she also did it by herself this time!

Can I say that you were an amazing shooter too? Our of 6 times, you scored 4... and won a prize!

Managed to drag you to take a pic with Hello Kitty.. hehehe...

A nice backdrop...

When you came back, you cried... when I asked you why, you said you missed Legoland... we will be back again soon ya!!