Letter to Reiko #205 CNY, breakfast at Demsey and Mac Bday Celebration

Sunday, March 03, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We celebrated Chinese New Year in early Feb.. the 1st day, we went for mass in the morning before we do our other activities. Everyone of us collected 2 blessed oranges! Look at your happy faces :)

We also went to Gong gong's aunt place, every year, both you and Imm love to play with the dollhouse there... 

A family pic together is a must!

In the evening, we went to Uncle Jo's house and Uncle John cooked dinner for us.. yumz! Japanese curry udon.. we had feasted so much in the day that Mummy and Daddy didn't feel like eating much already at this time..

During that weekend, we also went to Demsey for Brekkie while Imm had his soccer class... it was nice just spending time with you...

And we also went to Emmanuel Bday party! He was Imm Kindergaren friend... nice that we still keep in contact together and celebrate together for the birthdays :) And you get to enjoy it too right?