Letter to Reiko #207 Gender Reveal Activity and Baking Together

Sunday, March 17, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Look at you happily wrapping up the present for our Gender Reveal Outing! Amazed that both of you like to do activities like these and help out :)

We planned to meet Auntie Rina and family at the Botanic Gardens!

First, soaking in the awesome evening atmosphere!

Enjoying the food of beehoon, fried rice, chicken wings and fruits.. look at how you are happily sitting :P

And of cos enjoying your favourite fruits! :) We ended our Gender reveal activity much too quickly though. I wrapped up your twin star and before long, it was torn open by the ravenous children... haha.... and now they know that you are having a meimei! 

Mummy also gathered some energy to do some baking with you. You had been requesting for it and complained that Mummy always has no time. So I am gathering up my energy.. Mummy has just been more tired lately with studies and baby.. but really loved to spend more time doing such activities with you, you know?

Enjoyed seeing both of you pour though I will cringe when it is not poured properly.. let go, let go... hehe

Finishing up! It was an awesome experience just bakng simple cupcakes... :) Hope you enjoy and mummy will make with you soon again!