Letter to Immanuel #205 Chinese and New Year and Bday celebrations

Monday, March 04, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We celebrated Chinese New Year recently.. it was 2 weeks of celebration for us.. we really had a lot of family gatherings and also a lot of gd food.. we are so blessed! We spent the start of CNY celebrating mass in church and collecting our oranges :)

One of the favourite places for you and Ko was visiting Grandaunt place in which you could play with this doll house!

Yay, managed to pose together as a family!

The children eating together.. cosy and nice... it's not often that we get to meet the cousins so often, so time to catch up!

we also celebrated Your good friend, Emmanuel Choon's Bday at Mac! But you were a bit shy cos he invited his primary sch friends and you didn't know them.. so at first you are a bit clingy..

Finger licking good?

Hope Imm had a memorable New Year and fun with your friends during this joyous period! :)